
T-mobile HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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last friday i signed in my mobile messenger every thing was fine untill a while later it logged me off then i logged back in then the next morning i tried logging in again and it said request not completed try again so i let some time pass and i tried it again same message came up i didn't logg in after that then i tried it again and the same message came up so my mom called the store to ask for help but they said i had to take it in so we took it and they check every thing they reput my id and password and nothing they said they didn't know what was wrong i now have t-mobile web and unlimited text messages to try and see if it works but nothing i have done many things to get it but i can't seem to get it to work!! i don't know what to do!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! no silly/playing around answers please i really need help




  1. I'm not sure but would you try this:

    create a new text msg, type: in <Yahoo ID> <password>

    explaination: "in" type in low case, and then hit space and then type your ID and then space again and then type ur password. For your ID and Password, make sure it's how you usually type (lower/upper case).

    then you hit "send", to a phone number, then type 92466

    and then hit OK. After that, a second later you will get a message from yahoo that you have this many friends online yadda yadda yadda.

    if you have anymore question that you think I'll be able to help, send me email to

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