
T mobile contract problem?

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Hope someone can help, My mum got a new mobile on contract with t mobile, before they signed the contract they asked whether the signal was good where they lived as they had problems with the signal when she was with orange, were told where they lived had excellant signal, therefore they signed.

Got the phone home and guess what? No signal (unless my mum walked to the bottom of the road).

They went back to the shop and were told they cannot cancel the contract, due to a no 14 day money back clause, which they were not made aware of before signing.

So therefore they are now paying for a phone that has no reception when at home,They did cancel the direct debit but have reinstated this as they were told they would be in trouble for non payment. Any ideas on how this can be resolved, thank you.




  1. Well never take t-mobiles word for it, they will say anything to get your cash.

    you should of got a payg sim just to see if it worked before hand.

    as for resolving the problem just dont pay it, go into the shop hand the phone back and cancel your direct debit.

  2. For now, drop it from what I am guessing is Flext35 to the lowest being Flext15.

    Persistenlty ring them! There is a 14 day contract clause with all mobile contracts, including a get out clause. Its law and trust me I know my law. The shop will refuse simply becuase they get commision. If you ring t-mobile direct and tell them they should be more helpful. Also threaten them with the likes of Watchdog, including the shop!

  3. I don't fully understand what you were saying in the beginning about orange something, and asking if you had signal, but you did sign a contract so in order for you to get out of it, you have to pay extra money. I have tmobile and I barely have signal at my house either. Go with verizon or something.

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