
T or F. McCain and Obama are both pro-war and will start a war with Iran.?

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T or F. McCain and Obama are both pro-war and will start a war with Iran.?




  1. McCain is a real stupid he will attack Iran, But Obama has a little more BRAIN and wont attack Iran!

  2. False..neither will START a war, and neither are "Pro -War" as you put it.

    But as Commander in Chief I hope neither would stand by and let Iran attack with no consequences.

    RedFred said it well.

  3. I think Redfred said it best.

  4. Sadly it will not happen soon,. it should have happened before Iraq, not the other way round, Iran knows that America is stretched right now, and will push it as far as they can, it is a failed nation and wants to blackmail them into paying for the failure of their ideology, to keep them in power, it needs them to give, in order for them to get.#

    (a typical bully strategy), is in full play here,. but neither of these candidates have the moxie to deal with this nation, they will pay up, and bill the taxpayer, for their spinelessness, when is America, and the West going to say, to these people, enough, ! we have rights in this world, and one of those is we do not have top deal with a  backward nation of stone age beliefs, and brutality, it is altogether too fashionable to think in terms of limited wars and objectives, when we should be thinking out loud, of total destruction of the enemy, in question,to solve this problem, for the world, let us deal with it, the way they dealt with the majority Christians, in the middle east, when Islam began, and Saudi Arabia, in particular, they converted them, on their knees, at the point of a sword, and it is time they were dealt with "their" way, stop the pussyfooting about, it will lead to the fall of our values, and society,

    Why respect their rights,. when they do not even respect our right to worship, or even live on this planet....get rid of them, all, our people are of more value to us,their interests should come first,.... not last......I see no moral reason why we accept mad dogs, in our midst, or argue for their "human rights" against the very security of our own people, can you ?........

  5. Neither of them are as pro-war as you are pro-stupidity.

  6. Obama will try to talk them to death and McCain will only attack as a last resort. BTW, it's Iran that is defying UN resolutions and is spoiling for war.

  7. TRUE for McBush

    FALSE for Obama

  8. I would hope either one is prepared to defend this country in the uneventful circumstance that we are attacked.

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