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[1] How do tornadoes work?

[2] Why are tornadoes so deadly?




  1. question [1]: How do tornadoes work "


       1.  A large, thermally stratified situation develops in the atmosphere, with plenty of hot, humid air trapped beneath cold, dry air.

       2. For some reason, the "cap," (the stable layer of air between the hot and cold air) is disturbed. The disturbance can be caused by an upper-level air disturbance, or the arrival of a front (defined).

       3.  As the lower-level air rises, it expands in the reduced air pressure aloft (air pressure drops as altitude increases), and it cools. Eventually, the cooling causes the moisture to condense (defined).

       4. Condensation releases latent heat, warming the air, making it buoyant, and causing it to rise quickly (at speeds up to 150 mph). By now, the cloud has formed into a thunderstorm. Upper-level winds tilt the thunderhead to create the anvil at the top.

       5. The thunderstorm may die out in intense rain and/or hall. Or it may spawn a tornado.

       6. Interactions between air at various altitudes, humidities and temperatures causes rain, lightning, air circulation and an intensification of the rotating updraft, called a "mesocyclone." Low-level wind helps cause this rotation, which is almost always counter-clockwise (seen from above) in the Northern Hemisphere.

       7. A tornado may form below the mesocyclone. As the spinning column of air narrows, it rotates faster and extends higher into the storm.

    question [2]: Why are tornadoes so deadly?

    does it really to be asking anymore my dear? a tornado is a huge, swirling, 200-mph beast of a storm that appears to have a mind of its own. i guess you have to actually see one with your own eyes to know why is it so deadly..

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