
TABLE SCRATCHES .?. CHERRY W00D. ?? plz awnser.

by  |  earlier

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k so i have a new cherry wood round table that very fragile and there are alot of scratches/dents/gouges in it !!! already and we have done our best to prevent it !! but how would i fix it ? it kinda makes sense that you could sand it right ? then put the sealer on it again...idk if they do that though.... or is there a liquid to do it ? thanks




  1. You'll probably have to sand it all down. Some of the dents may be fixable by placing a wet rag on the dent and holding a portion of a hot iron on the rag.  The wood will soak up some of the moisture and swell removing the dent.  Ensure you let it dry completely then sand lightly.  As for the scratches and gouges, you can fill them but it would be hard to get them to match exactly with the surrounding wood.  Cover it all in a few coats of poly to protect it.  you can get varying levels of gloss/

  2. you might want to try old english scratch and polish for dark wood

  3. put a lot of clear coats on it, itl make it real shiny and protect the wood from anymore dents. polyerathane coating maybe?

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