
TC88 vs EVOs?

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TC88 been around for almost 10 years now, what are the major problems compared to Evolutions?




  1. I've had a number of each, I can't see where either one them have any problems. I hear a lot of people saying about the 96" Twin Cam running hot, but I think that's just a basher trying to pretend like he knows something. They do have a system on them that you can enable if you want to get in a parade, mostly for Shriners etc. It has nothing to do with being out on the hi-way, and it doesn't kick in by itself or anything like that. I think the Evo is an excellent engine and so is the Twin Cam. The Twin Cam is a little more gutsy. Like I say, they ain't got no problems, with a little care they are capable of 150-200K miles.

  2. i had a 96" (for a week before somebody wrecked it in an episode of canada's worst driver)

    never had much chance to see if they truly get hot on the rear cyl or not, because i only rode it on the hwy.  i'm told it doesn't actually get hot, but seems hotter because of bigger fins disapating the heat better so the rider feels more of it leaving the engine

    i think that the tc88 was very much the same as an evo, but you can see a big difference in a tc88b.... much smoother idle
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