
TCA Volleyball? Helpful people only = ]?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone! So I'm trying out for TCA Volleyball [13 age group] pretty soon. Any tips? I've been playing since third grade and now I'm in eighth. A few of my friends made it last year & so did my friend's sister. Now the sibling of that sister made it. I really want to make it because I love volleyball! Please give me some helpful suggestions for my tryouts! I already know how to bump, set, spike, and serve over-hand. I just can't jump-serve yet. Please help = ]




  1. u dont have to have a jump serve to make the team...u just need to be really good at the fundamentals... as long as ur good at that u'll be good to go... GOOD luck....

  2. I am on club too i've been playing on club for three years and i Bet you'll make it. and remember if u play setter or OH u need to know 4,2,C,1 and all of those plays.

  3. good for are going to make a good volleyball player

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