
TCP/IP help?

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I have a computer that when i connect to my home network, it sits there forever and says acquiring ip address. it never actually does it though. how could i reinstall the TCP/IP protocol?




  1. Hi J

    I gather that the home network is sharing the C - Drive. If not, that is the first thing to do and reboot.

    If yo are runing Windows XP on the computer that you are having trouble with, make sure you have the correct network cable or that is what you will get as an error >>acquiring<<.

    Now, did you Map Network Drive on that computer and do you see the name of the Home Network. If not, then it is a cable related issue unless, your network card is wrongly configured.

    Make sure that it is activated in your Bios so that when you boot, windows will and should detect it. You dont have to re-install TCP since Windows takes care of that automatically.

    Finally,make sure DHCP is checked when you right-click the network card in properties.

  2. that depends on what version of windows you are running, but reinstalling the TCP/IP might not fix your problem, are you trying to connect via ethernet, USB or wireless???

    if wireless check your encryption settings....

    ok, so you are connecting on a xp computer via ethernet to a router...

    since you are reiciving the message acquiring net address the DHCP is enabled but your computer isnt getting that address, i bet that after a few minutes you'll get 'limited or not connectivity'

    check your security settings (firewall, anti-virus, etc)

    try rebooting your computer on safe mode (that will turn off all security for you) if that fixes the problem you will need to reconfigure your security settings.. :D

    if anything changes just post details...

    btw dont worry about getting into the BIOS or trying to share the C-drive (that wont ever get an address for you)

    also to 'map your network' you would need to be on windows vista, not on xp (...)

    if you still want to reset the TCP-IP settings you can see a step by step guide here

    u could also try Start -> Run -> "netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt" without the quotes and that would make it ;)

  3. Check your router......make sure it is set to DHCP. And TCP\IP neds to be set to auto........You may have tried this....not sure
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