
TEEN DRAMA. IM SO STRESSED. I WANNA CRY(yes i already asked this but i added some additional detail to it)?

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Ok so i am commenting this girl on myspace and she said that my ex friend told her that i called her a whole bunch of nasty names. She asked me if i ever did that. And i didnt. How do i explaine to her that i never said those things. I am so sick of drama i want this school year to be better then all the other ones but it is turning out like c**p. I want a drama free life

Now the girl i am commenting is talking to both of us and my ex friend is making up random stuff that i never said

Ok so now if i ever talk to my ex friend again i will get the cops called on me!!!!

Please dont be rude i just want help.




  1. don't run away from problems you have to confront them so you get everything straight.

  2. click on my picture and email me, i think i can help. i've been there before

  3. Just dont write back. Dont talk to them. Therefore, your DRAMA FREE. there is NO point in convincing. just say no i didnt. leave it at that. and go on with your life. DRAMA FREE! and then you will be out of it. no matter what they say act like you dont care and dont type back. or talk back. its just **** talkers and haters. **** em all and watch em fall. :]

  4. im so sorry. ive been thru this. girls are horrible. sometimes i wish i wasnt one jk lol. but yeah really if your friend was a good real friend she wouldnt believe your ex friend. try talking to her and if she dont listen you kind of just have to let it go honey. friends come and go. im sure you could find a better friend if she isnt even able to listen to and believe you. im sorry for this happening. email me if you'd like to talk=]

  5. sorry to say but drama is everywhere and u cant excape it!!! but i would just tell the girl straight up that none of it was ever said and if she still dont believe you then she aint really ur friend after all... and just dont even look her way it will eventually stop even if it takes a while...

  6. If you want a drama-free life, you will have to drop all of your teenage friends.  Start hanging around with adults you trust like your Mom, aunts, or teachers.  The rest of the kids may think you're "unhip" or "not with it" but I guarantee you that 50-year old Mrs. O'Leary isn't going to be gossiping about you on myspace.

  7. dont worry about what ur ex friend says if you realy didnt say that stuff then dont worry what everyone else thinks, all you can do is tell the truth, and to try and make ur ex friend stop telling people all that stuff have someone ask him/her why they are mad at you

  8. ok well you say you dont want any more drama so just tell this girl that you were comenting in a machure way the truth and weather she calls you somethin dumb or doesnt beileve you then who cares you dont need everyone to like you and your x friend is just really childish call her out on it without yelling or fighting and before she gets the chance to wine or ***** bout it just walk away. going to jail over some dumb girl just makes you another dumb girl. remember there will always be someone trying to make you look bad to make themselves look and feel beter. just dont let it get you down or else you let them win. life is like chess you need to think ahead      

  9. a drama free life in highschool? ahahah thats a funny joke.

    just tell her you never said it. tell her that other chick is making **** up cause shes like got it out for you.

    and confront your exfreind.

    shes gonna call the cops on you?

    and what exactly will you be charged for? yeah shes just saying that cause shes stupid and trying to scare you.

    you dont even have to be mean, just be like oh thanks for saying a whole bunch of **** about me thats not even true. now i remember why im not your friend anymore - your a b***h :D

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