
TEENS would a guy care if i asked him.....?

by  |  earlier

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ok so here's what's up, most of my best friends are going to the same realllllyyyyy expensive private school next year & i'm going to a different school than them. it's all cool though because i already have a new group of friends. but me & my old friends still want to hang out a lot & stuff so they're gonna invite me to their homecoming in october.

i want to bring a date to their homecoming but i'm going to an all girls school & don't know any of the guys yet at my school's "brother school". i'm sure i'll meet some but by the time it's my friends' homecoming i will only have known the guys for a month.

so here's the question:

if i kinda like 1 of them would it be weird to say "hey, i was wondering if u wanted to come with me as my date to my friends' school's homecoming?"

(& no, i wouldn't be looking for a relationship with him or anything, just for him to come as my date)






  1. well it different boys would react differently but whenever you get the oppertunity start  up a conversation then mention your friends homecoming then just drop into conversation 'you wouldnt mind coming with me would you? its ok if u do?'     then its casual and he probs wnt think much of it x  

  2. no, that shouldn't be a problem

    he'll probably be flattered you asked him

    and if he's not, them tack on the it's not a relationship, i just need a date

    who knows, maybe you guys will become best friends..or something more =]

    PS thanks for answering my question =]

  3. nahhh its totally normal

    or u could just wait for someone to ask you to yours cuz they probably will and then go with them or u could have your friends set u up with one of your friends' dates friend and then go with him

  4. well just make an effort to get to know him and maybe close to homecoming ask him to go as a friend. tell him it would be fun and all that s**z. good luck :)

  5. well, if you get to know him kinda like a good friend in a months time, which is totally possible because I have done it, then I would say it would be fine.  

  6. No that is not weird at all.

    Just tell him you are going to homecoming and need a date. then ask him if he would mind going.

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