
TEN POINTS !!!!!! i just bought a betta fish HELP !!!

by  |  earlier

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and it is in a 1/2 gallon tank would it be more happy in a ten gallon




  1. Yes, by far! A 1/2 gallon is too small for a betta, minimum 1 gallon, but even that is a little small. If you put it in a 10 gallon you can even divide the tank and get another betta!

  2. better in a ten I think

  3. I don't think it would be happy, but it would definitely be better off.  

  4. ya most likely but thats gunna cost you some money.

  5. yes,the suggested minimum for a Betta is 1 gallon....mine is in a 2 gallon with a filter....he is a happy boy :)

  6. YES

    they are also tropical and need heaters

  7. Well, strictly speaking, a betta COULD live in a 1/2 gallon tank as long as you cleaned it religiously. But yes, your little betta buddy would be infinitely happier in the 10 gallon tank.  

  8. my beta fish lived in a fish bowl for it's whole life

    i'm sure that it'll be fine anywhere...

    my fishbowl was like, maybe...

    9 inches x 9 inches...

  9. r u crazy that fish would be the happeist fish in the world in a ten gallon thats like you having a mansion.....

  10. Yes all fish whould be happier in a larger tank

  11. YES, all fish are much happier in a larger tank, 1/2 gallon is actually very cruel to have a fish in.

  12. Bigger tank is good as long as there are stuff like rocks and plants in it so the fishes could hide. And don't put more than one betta fish in a tank at one time cuz betta fishes are fighter fish

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