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Most of the time i play a single match, i am up against a net rusher, is there any shots or strategies i can use against these kind of players?

And, is there any tips for players that keeps hitting the ball to your backhand?





  1. Hi,

    I'm a S/V it means Serve and Volleyer. So I love net rushing one way that works is slicing the ball low at their feet as they are approaching also some drives directly at their body or face to force them to block it and deep shots as well as some high arching lobs to their backhand.

    To counter the aiming at your backhand.

    1. Either improve it or practise the best idea is this one since you'll have to eventually hit one wether u like it or not.

    2. Run around it if any ball comes at your backhand then immediately run to the ball a nd hit a forehand and be prepared for anything your opponent throws at you.

  2. well, you need to make them play a volley first chances are you will get another shot, but lobs are really a last resort, the best way for tem to stop rushing to the net is to keep the ball deep in the court to start with which makes it hard for them to make a really good approach shot for them to come in on..

    AND balls to your backhand are easily over come by getting better footwork and running around the ball or simply standing over to the backhand a bit more forcing them to hit the ball to your forehand


  3. hit to there backhand...... run to the net and volley after

  4. well first of all. which level are u playign? advanced or intermediate or beginninger? and which level are u?

    if you are advanced and they're advanced chances are you won't be hitting winners. go hit a low ball and make then bend down. that way they hit a ball up for you to attack.

    if you are intermediate and so are they, you can go for lobs and attack the lines because chances are they won't have amazing volleys.

    If you don't want players to keep hitting ot your backhand you can :

    1. improve your backhand to the point where it is reliable. it does not have to be your weapon but if u can make it consistent and keep the ball deep, you won't have to worry.

    2. you can cheat over to the ad side if ur right handed and hit run around forehands though it's tiring

    3. make the other player move and be offensive, they will put up weaker balls for you to hit

  5. make the backhand your weapon!

    and like the other guy said lob them and use the drop shot. they feed off power which make it easy for a stab volley so don't use power.

  6. First try to lob or use a passing shot. Then you get up to the net and use a put away volley to end the point. Alternatively you can tire them out by drop shots and lobs over and over.

  7. When they rush the net, do a top spin lob deep in their court. Then YOU rush the net and put them on the defensive.

  8. 1) Well against a net rusher, i believe thet their serve is the most important thing in their arsenal. Their serve dictates whether you're attacking or defending. If its a p***y-like serve, the hit it deep in the corer so they can't rush. On the other hand it its strong, block it, and if possible try and lob it back. When their at net, the ideal thing to do is to hit a deep topspin lob, or hit away from them so they need to reach for it. Usually, when its far away, the volley ends up to be a short ball and sets you up for a put away. When its you serve, try to get them off balance so they are on the defensive, and keep them on the baseline.

    2) As for a player hitting to your backhand, I really don't know what to say. In my case, my backhand is more superior(depth, power, and consistency), and I recomend you to make that shot your weapon.

  9. Hit the ball deeper into the court, the odds of him rushing to the net is less. Counteract, deep to his backhand then you come to the net, make him play on his heels not you. Obviously this person knows your backhand is weak and his probally is too. Like I said before if you would hit it to his backhand the chance of him hitting a good shot is less, then you could take advantage of a poorly hit shot. But overall the best you can do is practice practice practice, specifically your backhand. Along with lobbing over the net guy, or try working on passing shots down the line, this always helps.

    Hope this can help you come out victorious!!

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