
TERRIBLY to cope?

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I moved to a different country last year. I am 19 and I'm feeling utterly miserable now. My parents are working in a different state and I'm studying here. I feel really lonely and I feel like I can't connect with the people I meet. At the end of the day, I always feel like something's missing. I can't be myself anymore..coz I have to ALWAYS try and look/sound like the locals coz if I don't they don't seem to accept me. I long for the familiar...ANYONE ever been through this? How can I cope?




  1. i moved to hawaii, which isn't as different as a foreign country, but it is culturally very different from where i came from.  i also lived in germany for a month with a local family as part of an exchange program.  it was so different from home, but here's my recommendation.  this is probably gonna sound bad to you, but it worked for me:

    don't worry about everyone accepting you.  that's just never gonna happen.  and the more you try to change who you really are, the worse you're going to feel.  stop trying to fit in.  play up the fact that you're different, because different doesn't necessarily mean bad.  not everyone will hate you.  it just doesn't work that way.  i'm not saying you should ignore all local customs and come across as rude.  i'm just saying that you should stop hiding.  if you seem like a friendly, confident person, you'll be way more approachable.  and just like anywhere else in the world, find people with similar interests.  join a gym or find a club that interests you.  volunteering is great too.  just smile at the world, and most of them will smile back.

    good luck!

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