
THAI resturant...Ordering something HEALTHY?

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I love Thai food, and am going to a Thai food resturant tommorrow with my boyfriend. The thing is, I don't want to order something that is really salty, fatty, and loaded with calories..... Any suggestions? The menu uses lots of words I don't understand...... I don't know what to get! Does anyone have any HEALTHY Thai food options?





  1. I know nothing abou thai food, but when in doubt, order vegetarian cusine.

  2. My favorite is the Pahd King with chicken. It's veggies, chicken, rice, and ginger.

    I also tasted Yellow Curry with chicken, which is: potatoes (kind of starchy dish), chicken, veggies, in coconut milk. That's pretty good too.

  3. i think most thai restuarants offer sushi!! VERY HEALTHY :) if they dont have sushi, order veggies in a "brown sauce" & get brown rice!!

    if you can't find anything "healthy"... one "unhealthy" meal won't kill you (or any diet!)... i takes more than one meal to make you gain weight!

  4. I'm Thai, used to run and work in Thai restaurants here are the choices...

    Salad, soup or appetizers..

    -Summer Role

    -Steam Dumpling - Thai style

    -Thai Salad with peanut sauce on the side

    -Tom Yum Koong Soup (hot and sour with shrimp, most famous soup)

    Any kind of salads.

    Chicken or Beef Satay - served with peanut sauce.


    Avoid curry because it is very rich and creamy with coconut sauce but it is usually very good.

    Pad Thai with choice of meat or you can have it with tofu.  This is the most famous Thai dish.

    Steamed fish, usually serve in whole fish but you can ask if they could fillet the fish for you.  There are choices of different sauces.

    Study the menu and ask the waiter or waitress, don't be shy, have fun, enjoy the food and keep exploring.

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