
THE ANSERS TO MOST (NOT ALL) OF YOUR QUESTIONS. for the 18 and under crowd?

by  |  earlier

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chances are if you are not sure if you are ready to kiss you probably shouldnt be in a relationship anyways. Nor do you know the meaning of a relationship. A relationship is when you are completely open and honest with one another, you both feel very comfortable in ones presence. The kissing question should come into play before you are together. There for if you are not sure if you are ready to kiss, you are not mature enough for a relationship.


if someone cheats on you hands down kick them to the curb. In that moment in time the "other person' whom they cheated with came first putting you second. Who want's to be second in a relationship?? Bottom line getting back together will cause doubt which will mess everything up anyways, or it will cause them to know you will take them back, there fore they will do it again. 5% of partners will never do it again. If you take the risk of being the other 95% don't come crying here cuz I warned you.


Hoe hard is it to tell if they like you? if they do they will laugh at almost everything you say, playfully hit you, look into your eyes a certain way which you will feel it if it happens, they always wanna be around you, and always call or txt you.

You can always just suck it up and ask.


I dont know how many time's I have said this here. Women nor men dont like when the opposite s*x is too shy. Weather its being shy on a date or being shy to approach someone. It's a major turn off. It makes the person look like a little girl/boy who still thinks we all have coodies, Real men and women are able to look past it or suck it up.. or naturally have grown out of being shy or too nervous. If you are too shy to approach then you are too immature to handle a relationship anyways. So just want till you are an adult and have matured. shy people (who want to approach or talk to you) disgust me. Truth said


if you are having s*x problems and are trying to get help on here well then you probably aren't mature enough to have s*x in the first place. Any problems should be able to be worked out on your own or with your partner.

s*x problems under the age of 17 is just not right, kids with undeveloped minds should not be playing grown up games.


Then talk to them about it. Again, if you aren't mature enough to realize that communication is one of the most important things in a relationship then you shouldnt be in one. Easy as 1 2 3. You need to talk, you need to express or how else do you expect someone to know how their actions make you feel?


You don't love him, you like and want him, but you are 16. Minds at 16 are not mature nor capable enough to digest the whole concept of LOVE. Your emotions are not that far advanced and developed enough to be feeling such things... When you are an adult in your twenties you will look back at yourself and know what I mean. And even twenties people are still not fully mentally evolved.


Stop having a mind of a 16 year old and move on with your life. Dont wait for someone to possibly come back to you for what ever reason. If they really wanted you they would still be with you. Why put your self worth down by waiting for someone who doesnt put you first? who doesnt feel the same with you?


well if they left then its obvious they dont want to be with you. Do you really want to be with someone that bad that you are willing to take them back although they dont like you no more? You cant force someone to do something they dont wnat to do. Why be with someone if they don't want to be with you? why put yourself so low you want someone who doesnt like you that way anymore? and if you do convince them to get back, that makes you happy but they still dont want to be with you and it wont work out anyways.

Dont be stupid and wait for someone who is possibly dating someone else already, do your own thing, go out with friends, find someone else you like. Don't be a fool for them.


nothing! there is no magic anything that will go poof you have a partner.... no.. maybe its your personality, if you are asking this question you are most likely a winer... thats why no one has approached you.

To all you young people... the end of relationships are not the end of the world, life does continue, and you will... i repeat WILL find someone better.. weather its soon or later on in life... Especially if you are the high school age. I know it seems like its the end of the world but like I said.. In the future you will look back and see what a little part of your life that was. You will forget their name and probably never talk to them. If you are the lucky 30% who will actually marry your high school sweet heart then the more power to you.

But don't be so lame, your minds will evolve and you will understand everything.

and remember communication is not only important in relationship but also with everyone else you associate with. Don't be scared to talk about something that is bothering you. They don't have esp, they cant read your minds.

You people need to stop fussing over the little things. It's the grownups who have to worry about their grown up problems...

And for the last time... little kiddios plz dont have s*x so young. Yeah you wanna know what it is like and you wanna be like the people on tv or what ever reason. You can possibly consume the real meaning of s*x till you have a mature and adult mind. You will lose your virginity to some 16 or 17 yeah old... or if you are 15 and they are in their 20's with no meaning.. you may think you are experiencing the true emotional state of s*x but you are far to young. When you are older and can comprehend what s*x is all about then you will look back and wish you would of waited till you were older so it could mean so much more.




  1. i disagree with the jess person.........maybe it is the right answer and they just dont choose it?  ever think of that? i do respect ur opinion tho and i have the same thought as u except on different things........

  2. Too long; I didn't read a single word of it.  

  3. I totally agree with Lissa. She never said her answers were right and that it applied to everyone. She said 'the answers to most not all' So how can other people be against it? It's clearly her opinion in which I agree with 100% How many times does the same lame question appear here? Along with the same answers? You have to weed out the real questions here.

    Kids shouldn't be dating, much less have s*x.

    Point blank if you have to come on here to ask if you are ready to kiss then you don't belong in a relationship anyways.

    The same for everything else.

    Thumbs up

  4. You are supposed to wait for someone to ask a question not post a long boring rant.

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