
THE BIG ONE: South Park or Family Guy?

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alright dont make it easy and just answer it, but really defend your answer....

personally i like south park better (it is my favorite tv show) because it is genius, is based off of current events, and family guy uses mostly interchangeable jokes meaning it takes no talent to put together an episode(it is funny tho)

so whats your favorite and why?




  1. South Park:]

  2. Oh geez. That is the question of the decade isn't it? South Park is near and dear to my heart. What everyone says is true it does focus on current events and makes fun of celebrities like crazy which is always great. Family Guy also does that but just in a different way and the joke is a little shorter instead of lasting the whole episode like in South Park (for example, the Paris Hilton episode). The only reason I am leaning towards Family Guy is because of the dynamic between Stewie and Brian. Stewie is my favorite character on t.v. and when he and Brian are up to something, it is comedy at it's best.

  3. South Park Family guy put Muhammad on the air


    anyway South Park has been making great Shows for ten years there always funny and make sense family guys shows always end up how you think and after 15 episodes gets really old and South Park made Family Guy Look like spongebob

    Goooooooooooooo South Park

    PLUSSSSSSSSSSSS I bet all of you whoo said just family guy have never seen a south park episode in your life

  4. I will have to go with South Park.

    Family Guy lost because many of its episodes are stupid and the gags go on to long sometimes. Like the music routines and ish. But when they have a show with none of those annoyances, they can really compete with South Park.

  5. family guy, it makes fun of current issues in a funnier way.  plus talking baby.  

  6. Family guy.  No contest. I got bored with South Park after the first season or two.

  7. great question! i like both shows a lot, and i honestly dont know which to say. each show has flaws. both shows kinda push it as far as being offensive goes. but family guy (which i watch more) gets annoying bc of peter. peter is not funny at all. stewie and brian make that show great. like when pete falls down and is holding his knee going "ah" for like 4 minutes, that sh*t gets SO annoying. if they would just take him outta the show, it'd be perfect. butters and cartman make south park great. mostly cartman. but the guy who played chef quit bc they had a show making fun of scientology.

  8. I don't watch either of the two much anymore but I've always thought South Park was better. Like you said, they base their episodes on current events, they're a h**l of a lot funnier, and it is 'genius'.

    The pros and cons of the two of them, South Park's animation is unique and they have more originality. That's good. It's dirtier and has a worse reputation (because it's dirtier), but most of us get past that if we like the show a lot.

    Family Guy is a fun show with a closely relatable plot in character relationships that is much like many in America whereas not everyone grew up with a jew, a poor kid, a fat a*****e, and ...just some normal kid trying to survive; usually the watcher in person (I'd say, relates to Stan or Kyle). However Family Guy's jokes are at random and they are interchangeable -- perfect word to describe them.

    They're both good, but the better show South Park even came out with that question first.

  9. Yes, definitely South Park!

    It's also my favorite TV show.

    I mean, Family Guy is pretty funny too, but it

    never stays in the plot, if you start to watch it at the beginning,

    when it ends, you don't really know what the whole thing was supposed to be about!

    It's not very original either..such as the family, that's just

    kinda like The Simpsons, whereas South Park

    has potty mouthed 9-year-olds, one being fat and racist, one

    being a Jew with a temper, another one being perverted and poor, and last, one just trying to survive everything

    that happens in the redneck mountain town they live in, in which, the kids have more sense than the adults.

    I have NEVER seen any other show like South Park.


    Family Guy is just kind of a rip off from other shows, and

    it gets dry after a few episodes.

    (but what do I expect out of a show that's written

    by manatees lol)

    South Park is also pretty d**n accurate on the things it

    makes fun of, like Scientology.

    Also, when Matt and Trey (the creators) make episodes, they

    make them classics!

    South Park is one of those shows where at the end, I'm rolling on the floor almost dying from laughing so much.

    What more can I say? South Park rocks!!


  10. family guy

  11. South Park most definitely!!  That show isn't afraid to make fun of anything, i.e. the Mormons, countless celebrities, and even Family Guy itself.  Most of the episodes have a wholesome value or moral at the end, such as the episode about the p**n tape, Scott Tinnerman Must Die, The Space People,  the episode about playing with dangerous weapons (the one were the boys get the Ninja weapons from the fair), and the Christmas episode a couple of years ago about abortion.  I mean come on, where else can you get Big g*y Al's, a cross dressing teacher who talks to a hand puppet, a towel on drugs, and a character who sings "Come Sail Away"?  South Park pushes the envelope and crosses the line, but it is one hilarious show!!  And to think, this show started out being made with construction paper.

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