
THE DARWINS - this case has received so much media coverage because of the unusual circumstances........?

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Whilst I do not condone what the Darwins have done I am appalled at the media coverage that this case has attracted over the last year or so. These people, as wicked as they are, only defrauded an insurance company of £250K. How many of us pay over the odds for our insurance? They each recieved a long custodial sentance and the story has been sensationalised. What about those who have been murdered lately? What about all the recent knife crimes resulting in murder, the elderly who are robbed and beaten in thier homes? These stories are soon forgotton. Surely these issues deserve much more coverage and the criminals much longer sentances. The Darwins appear to be serving a sentance for 'murder' as opposed to fraud. Do you think we pay far much credence to money than that of peoples lives????




  1. It wasn't about the money. The sentence reflects what they did to their sons.

  2. Insurance fraud is one thing but all the deception that it entailed, lying to family members & pretending that John was dead is really low.

  3. you bet ye.

  4. I don't think the media frenzy over this is about the money.  i think its more to do with the fact that the parents could treat their sons that way. How any mother could tell her sons, directly to their distressed faces, that their father was dead & keep saying it is beyond me. It takes a particularly hard-hearted woman to do that. She said he forced her but, unless I am mistaken, he was in an entirely different country.

  5. Well they certainly ended up S**t creek without a paddle....or a

    I think it was the way she lied to her own sons that aroused the the greatest interest...

  6. media covers only money nothing more

  7. Hello Princess,  I read on the ITV teletext yesterday (sorry can't put a link up to this) that a p*ssed up 15year old in Leighton Buzzard, Thames Valley, decked a guy who died as a result: and guess what -- he got sent down for 3 years!  Cheat & Swindle you get more than double that.  Speaks for itself that.

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