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I saw the magic bullet at cosco for like $50. Does that include the blender and juicer? I know it does if you buy it off the commercial but i'm not sure about in stores. anyone know? thx




  1. you silly willy...

    I though that was a myth...

    then I saw...


    I'm like...


  2. I think Target carries it too. I remember it being about the same price. We were looking for a blender at the time.

  3. it belongs here because you can us it to mix majic poitons. see  

  4. I'm pretty sure you'd have to spend more than that to kill a president.  You could maybe kill your neighbor for $50, but not a president.

    BTW, it's Costco with a "T", as in "Cost".  As in you're only paying cost, not retail.  If it was Cosco I'm sure it would be owned by Bill Cosby or something, and he only does comedy.  I'm pretty sure he doesn't know squat about a retail chain.  That's just mythology and folklore.

  5. Oh that ride at knots is so fun.. and no we got it and its so dumb... when you get it you have to shake it for certain things to blend it right. Like onions it chops the bottom to like soup and then the top is just a little bit chopped.

  6. haha i thought this was going to be about the assassination.
You're reading: --THE MAGIC BULLET--

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