It has cost around 54 billion dollars to arrange and construct everything needed for the 2008 games. Is this a little over the top? Or am I just being a spoiler? I find it hard to comprehend the necessity of such an extravagant amount of money. How is this justified? Especially when you look at those citizens in China who are living far below the poverty line. And I am sure I don't need to even go near the topic of children starving in Africa/ Central America etc etc. But what really made me sit up and take notice was a news clip I saw on the TV3 Website. You can watch this under the following link,
It shows how many of China's citizens had their homes destroyed to make way for the Olympics. These people have not recieved compensation and many have been arrested for trying to protest about what is happening.This is not the first time I have heard about this. Months ago this type of thing was being shown on the news. This makes me think that olympic athletes worldwide must be aware of this issue. I wonder how you could attend such an event, having knowledge of the cost of the games on the lives of people unable to adequately defend themselves. Has there been any mention of a boycott, or are people just happy to ignore this, as long as they are able to compete in this event? I know many athletes have trained for years to get to this point, but I am still dubious as to whether or not this is really worth it.
tell me what you think.