
THE sobbing confessed in a police car that she KNEW where she was?

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one word please on this story.Shannons mum new always where her child was .she was with her lover.




  1. Flip, I hadn't heard this. This is going to turn out to be a complicated case publicised all over the world.

    I can't believe any one would do this to their kids.

  2. thats what they were saying on the news last night she was planning to run off with him,

  3. Look at the recent photos, they look like Wayne and Waynetta Slob off the Harry Enfield show.

    What a load of rough looking scroats.

  4. I'm very tempted to utter my favourite word (or is it two words): "Lowlives". The best you can hope for is that the mother is of very low intelligence and thought the whole thing up as a game or a bit of fun. Otherwise it just doesn't bear thinking about the mentality of a mother who would do this to her own child.

  5. Just like that other case whose name I've forgotten (if only!) - there's a lot more to this than meets the eye ! ! ! Only time (and I foresee someone getting a lot of it!) will tell.

  6. it doesn't matter wot  society class ur in it shows wot a sad and sick world we live in sometimes

  7. thats so so wrong!

    i hope they never get her back! stupid stupid people!

  8. All very inbred

  9. Yes I believed from the start it was hide away Shannon & cash in, just to get money like you-know-who.

    Now, she knew she was leaving the boy for his uncle, what if the computer was used to set him up so she would be rid of him??? Don`t forget the uncle is a computer whizz.

    Oh, just another crazy thought about things.

  10. looks that way, wonder if they will send her to jail, and what happens to all those poor children, not just Shannon.

  11. I did not hear this but suspected it - hope Shannon and the others will now be given a new chance of life with caring foster parents - how sad all of this is

  12. Well did anyone watch that Channel 4 documentary where they had access to them at all times???

    She was watching telly on the sofa eating bags of crisps and laughing and joking with the camera crew.......she seemed so laid back.

    I dont think I could eat if one of my children was missing........I panic when they are late home from school...and my sons are 16!!!

    I said from the start that Craig was a paedo weirdo and that she or the family were probably involved but was completely torn to shreds on here....................oh well.

  13. I feel like im losing my faith in humanity. I heard on SkyNews that more arrests are likely in the coming days and weeks.

    The theory of family being involved was tossed about from day one - but many of us including myself refused to believe it, instead choosing to 'root for the underdog'.

    "These people were council estate types lacking the eloquence to fight their own corner, unlike the McCanns, leave them alone! They've lost a little girl from the community!"

    But unfortunately the good faith has been proved wrong.

    As sad as it is, i for one am desperately hoping the police are wrong and that Karen Matthews really is a loving mother caught up in a crazy situation. However, day by day we're being proved wrong.

    What a crazy crazy story.

  14. from day 1 i said paedos its been said in the papers he is actually her nephew ugh inbred underclass

  15. That is sick, and sad, but unfortunately true. Poor Shannon.

  16. It just gets low will some people go.

    Seems they got the idea from a TV prog. a month before.

    Mind you, she deserves an Oscar for the way she behaved, Oh So Heartbroken!!

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