

by Guest11055  |  earlier

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nobody eat there. it was so gross. the nail was in my MOUTH

>: P




  1. Mcdonald's is revolting. They only want fat people as costumers because fat people don't care what they eat. ( joke) Seriously though, that is pretty f*****k i n g disgusting.

  2. That's gross, but how is that McDonald's fault?

    They haven't fried their own hotcakes since the early-to-mid 1990's.  The hotcakes they sell now come into the restaurant already fully cooked, made by the Quaker Oats Company.

    I hope you got your money back, but I think a corporation-wide boycott might be a bit much.

  3. there's been bones, green goo, and flies in my McD's nuggets... Gross place!!!

  4. Yuk!!!  I don't eat at McDonalds anyway, because they force you to eat fattening foods, and not exercise so you get fat.  At least that's what I heard...

  5. Then take it back and complain.

  6. chew

  7. WOW, that is hu.......................... i really do not have an answer for ya............................. oh ya.................... thats gross!!!!!!!

  8. That's gross!!! I'm so glad that I don't eat fast food!! Watch "Super-Size Me" ... you will never eat fast food again!

  9. LOL

  10. thats f**king gross! thanks for the heads up!

  11. mayne thats sound good i woulda ate that ish mmm maybe it was mynes my one blu nail broked off when i was ayt wurk .

  12. sue them. by the way if you win i want 1/4 of your winnings, lol.

  13. I saw a scab under the bun of a burger from Hardees once.  It didn't taste any different, though.

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