
THINSPO anyone dieting?

by Guest61402  |  earlier

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whats your tips? such as

drink green tea

drink loads of water

stuff like that





  1. No carbs after 7 pm

  2. I start with a multi-vitamin (weight smart)

    fruit and veggies mostly - the more the better

    A chef salad has veggies, meats and cheeses which are in the 4 basic food groups - you're allowed the fat in small quantities so use them as the dressing.

    Cottage cheese and peaches or tomatoes are filling but not heavy.

    If you think smart with the servings in the food groups - keeping it simple (less lasagna - more simple individual item servings) you'll drop the pounds and feel the energy while doing it.

    Add some walking to your day and you'll see results a little quicker.

    Light on processed sugars, go with natural sugars (fruits)

    fruits and veggies contain waters too so you won't need the excess water intake (8 glasses a day)

    Whole grain is best and oatmeal is good for that.

    Not to mention your body can process the natural foods easier than the lasagna's or pizza's resulting in energy and lightness.

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