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i found a recipe for cream, you need whole milk and 1 stick of unsalted butter. we have those, but the milk is fat free, skim milk. so what can we do to make the milk creamier?




  1. From:

    "For a basic butter recipe, leave 1 pint of heavy cream (also called whipping cream) out on a counter for a few hours until it is slightly sour. If you using ultrapasteurized cream, souring can take up to a full day. It's not necessary, but will make your butter taste much better.

    Pour the cream into a 1-quart canning jar with a tight lid. Take a deep breath and shake. Using quick movements, jerk the jar back and forth. The continual motion will produce a nice butter in 5 to 10 minutes. The remaining thin, sour liquid is buttermilk, which can be poured off and saved for use in many baked-goods recipes.

    Next, spoon the damp paste into a large bowl. Adding small amounts of cold water, mash the butter with the back of a spoon to remove any remaining buttermilk. Pour off the milky water, taking care not to lose any butter. Continue adding cold water, pressing the butter, and pouring off the liquid until it runs clear. At this point, the butter is ready.

    Salt acts as both a flavoring and preservative in butter. In butter making, a little dab will do you - toss in a pinch; stir, and check the flavor. Finally, pack the butter into a container: a widemouthed canning jar, an old margarine tub or a butter mold. Allow the butter to refrigerate overnight, and it will be ready to spread on toast in the morning. Homemade butter lasts about a week or so. An unsavory odor will give spoiled butter away.


    Portland, Oregon"

  2. buy regular milk or u can add cream or u  can put the milk in the plunder add ice cream and mix it up for example if u put 5 cups of milk in put 1 cup of ice cream in mmmmmmmmmm yummmmmmmy!

  3. Depending on how much milk you use, the 1 stick of melted unsalted butter should make your cream.  Start with the melted butter - brought just above room temperature.  Start adding the milk to it - if you use warm milk, the butter will blend better.  Keep adding milk until it is the consistency of cream, mixing well.  Place in the fridge.  The milk and butter should stay combined.  You may need to shake it up once it's cold but it should work as cream.  You are after the mouth feel of cream - depending on your recipe - like a clam chowder.  What are you using the cream for?  If you are using it for a mousse or something that needs to be whipped, I would go with the fat-free milk because it will whip better.  You just need to use it quickly because it will fall.

  4. use low fat milk that is not skim

  5. put a table spoon of flour in it  mix it good so it will not be lumpy

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