

by  |  earlier

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about a year ago i got a divorce and my ex-wife has not allowed me to talk to our daughter (8yr. old) for d**n near a full year we are 2000 miles apart now out of the clear blue sky i get a txt. message from her new guy saying that i need to talk to my daughter well da so he tries to glorify him self by taking credit of me and my little girl talking. well after i spoke to my daughter he txt. me thanks for talking to your daughter bro! i felt like i was being patronized so my reply was not very nice then here is the question i wanted to ask y'all i have not and will not ever call my ex-wife any vulger names or give s*x details that is still the mother of my daughter but after he read my reply he said this I MAKE HER GET OFF LIKE NO OTHER MAN HAS, MY DI?? DONT EVEN FIT, SHE HAILS FOR GLORY BECAUSE OF ME, AND HERE IS THE GOOD PART HE SAID THAT WHEN SHE WAS MY WIFE SHE WAS A s**t BUT WITH HIM SHE IS A NEW WOMAN. WHAT THE h**l CAN Y'ALL TELL ME THAT I AM NOT THE ONLY PERSON THAT THINKS MY EX SHOULD BE PIST OFF OR ANY LADY SHOULD BE PIST OFF WITH ALL THE s*x TALK ABOUT HER AND THE WAS A s**t LINE I WANT TO PUT HIS TXT IN A BLOG FOR THE WORLD TO SEE HOW BIG OF AN *** HE IS I DID FORWARD THE TXT TO HER CELL PHONE AND DID NOT EVEN GET A REPLY. I DON'T WANT HER BACK I HAVE A LADY IN MY LIFE BUT THAT IS MY BABIES MAMA THINK THEY BOTH NEED TO BE RIPPED DON'T YOU?




  1. First i am glad you finally got a chance to speak with your daughter and i hope it continues. I would be totally disgusted to learn that someone had discussed a s*x life we had shared. That is something that a immature person would do. She probably did not reply out of pure embarassment because of what he did. I would save everything that he sent and if it kept up then i would seek out a attorney to find out what rights i have.

  2. Sounds like you should get over there and check this out, because your daughter is being raised with a narcissistic maniac, and that can't be good.

  3. You may get a reply later.  I would imagine they are in the throes of a huge fight.  At least I hope she is upset about his text-I certainly would be., and I know you'd like to think she is offended by his vulgar language.

    I am glad things  are better and you are getting to talk to your daughter.  It sounds like she picked a real "winner."

  4. ignore it; you need to love your daughter more than you hate your ex wife........and no way in h**l would anyone keep me from seeing my child for a year....

  5. Im not a lady but that wall of text probably ripped out anybodys eyes who tried reading that. Cmon hit enter once in awhile its not so hard.

  6. obviously this guy has NO IDEA how to care for children and SHOULD NOT be in YOUR daughters life.. he sounds like a d**khead.. and if you have had a child with someone then you should still care about them as you do.. she didnt reply cause maybe she is hurt by it or pissed off.. maybe went crazy at the boyf...  maybe you need to aply for at least half custody of your daughter cause she is yours tOo just not hers..

  7. I understand that you want some revenge and someone other than you to be upset for what he's said about her and hey you could post it up on your site, but actually sit there and ask yourself what would this all accomplish? She's with this b******e and hey she gets what she settles for. You say that you have a woman that is in your life. Focus on what's really the total issue, YOUR DAUGHTER! Don't do something that you will reget, because one day that very post that you put up might find its way to your daughter and then what will you say to her when she asks daddy why did u do that? It could back fire on yah so think long and hard in what you do. You have a responsibilty to teach your children that right and wrong way to do things and this situation is one of them. I pray you do that righ thing.  

  8. Him, this guy sounds like a psycho.  Seek legal advice, so that you can settle something.   Sweety, why havent you fought for her in over a year?   You have some fault here too.  No matter how far apart, you have every single right as her father to see her.   You could have gona to family court.   What concerns me, is that this guy seems like a weirdo and twisted.  You better make sure your daughter is in good hands buddy.  Whatever you do, Save the text message.  If you can type if word for word, in case something happens to your phone. Also, keep the phone bill where it shows him texting you.  You never know when that will come to your aid. +

    Good Luck.  

  9. Well being married and having a baby daddy i can say that even though it bothers you because she is your babys mother you need to stay out of it. Reason being that even if your intentions are good no one will see it that way. so your best bet is to just let it go you and her and done and delt with and if it has nothing to do with your daughter you have nothing to worry about. The fact that he txted you to talk to his daughter that was good at least he was man enough to let you know and you should be thankful for that because alot of women make stupid decision that affect their kids. But that is it thank him enjoy your daughter and move on you have your life and she has hers....  

  10. I think you should have a face to face with both your EX and her Screwed up BF. I also think he sent you the text to get to your head. They both appear to be playing mind games and unfortunately the one being hurt is your daughter. I'm pretty sure you know that your daughter needs you as well as your ex to be a strong foundation in her life, so put aside the anger and fight for your right as a parent. Don't give either one of the adults the satisfaction of  being so angry that you choose to walk away. That's what they're trying to get you to do.Let your daughter know that she is loved and you will do all that you can to remain a very active part in her life. Because there is no telling what your  ex and and her bf have been telling her about you.

    Many blessings to you and this situation  friend ...

  11. Forget about it it's just too much stress for you . he's crazy and he's trying to make you crazy too

  12. I think you need to get an attorney and go for custody of your daughter. Unless you have done something to hurt your daughter or make your ex think you would hurt her, she has no right to keep you from her. Now she has a man in her life who is very into talking s*x and bragging about how much more wonderful he is sexually than you.

    I don't have a good feeling about your daughter living with them. Do what you have to in order to get her out of there and away from them. If that is on the level then neither one of them has the morals to be raising a child. I wouldn't trust my daughter with that man.

  13. what???i missed the question

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