
THOUGHT ON BREAKING DAWN -if ure done reading the whole book

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well, i just finnished breaking dawn this morning (2:30am) i could not stop reading it

i just wanted to know what ppl thought about this book, i know a lot of people are probably not done yet, im just so... jumpy and i wanted to write about so..

i think it was like a shock for me, it was defenetily not what i was expecting, i was literally sweating, it was such a roler coaster ride..

i cried on some parts, and then i was so angry at other parts i literally started to hate the book and thought it was the worst.. but then i loved it soo much!i loved the ending, its the perfect anding, and i was wishing so much that it could go on, its just the perfect ending and there cant be a sequel, that was perfect.

i did hate the fact that there was like a jacob POV.. im not a big jake fan, but i sort of changed my views on him when i was reading 'book 2'

so many things went on in my head, its just so indescribable, i seriously could not write all that i think on this book. love it! soo much... anyway, I cannot wait for the movie to come out! and midnight sun.. i am just so thrilled..

i keep reading the ending of breaking dawn... i just wished it could continue.. the whole "forever and ever" thing.. or atleast a view in the "100 years later".. idk.. i guess i just really dont want it to end.

so sad...




  1. LolxD I cried the whole time. I don't want it to end either. These are such a great series, but she said she might write more, because this is just the end of Bella's perspective. There might be Alice, and Jasper. Maybe Carlise, Esme, Rosalie, or Emmett. We know there might be an Edward perspective(Midnight Sun) of twilight, but I enjoyed the book...towards the end. I feel she could have put a little more emotion in it. It is sort of rushed in the beggining. The wedding, especially. It would have been nice to hear how Bella got pregnant. LolxDD But, overall I enjoyed it, and all we can do now is cross our fingers and hope for another one. <3

  2. this is so0o0o0o disappointing...i hate the fact tht Bella got pregnant and Jacab imprinted on Nessie... WTF???!?!?!!??!!?!

    tht is so wrong i mean 1st of all, Nessie is a HALF VAMPIRE and i thought vampires and werewolves r suppose 2 b lyk mortal enemies r somethin'...and i always thought tht Jacob would always love Bella no matter wut. This is so awkward 4 Bella cuz her best friend/ lover fell in love with her daughter... it was obvious tht Bella was going to b with Edward 4ever but i thought tht she always loved Jacob in a special way too. Now Jacob doesnt want to b with Bella, he wants to b with her DAUGTHER..... also it is FREAKING ME OUT CUZ EDWARD IS A FATHER NOW!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

    if this book comes out into a movie... i wont b so0o excited to c it...

    stephenie, u let me down BIG TIME

  3. omg i LOOOOVED breaking dawn. deffinitly the best of the series. i cried the whollle time. especially when  bella was saying bye to nessie and giving her to jake and with the letters and eerything. i cant imagine her a edward seperated. i didnt really like the jacob POV either. but it did change my view of him. i never really liked him and now i like him a little more. i absolutly adore what bella did for nessie..going thorugh with having her. and i just LOOOOOVE her and edward togather! its soooo cute. i finished breaking dawn in like a day and i just want more!!! i wish she would keep writing more books but im sooo excited for the movie and midnight sun.

  4. i agree with bits and peices of all the answers. i do think she rushed, there wasnt a lot of emotion in this book. the wedding should have had more details, instead of the same ones over and over again. almost half the first chapter was about her new car then the after car got like a sentence. jacob imprinting on renesmee is just plain freaky, and he should have only loved bella. edward being a husband was ok, hes still godly, but i dont like him as a dad, hes great at it but i feel like it makes him seem older. bella being amazing at everything was kinda annoying. i new something wouldve happened cuz they werent going to squish a year minimum in like one or two chapters, so i knew something was going to happen, but seriously? EVERYTHING? ya ok. the whole thing with the fake ID guy was pretty random too, wut is jasper, a dealer or something? bella shoulda had a better power too, she did the same thing as wen she was human except she could stretch it. renesmee is rlly hard to say/read too. jacobs POV part of the book was a good idea except the 1st three books were in one POV so y change now? all he did was run and say bella tho. bella every other sentence. then wen u went back to her POV it felt weird. she shouldve been consistent with tht prt. i feel like there wasnt enough edward in this book even tho he was there the entire time. he didnt contribute enough. plus, wut happened to the rest of the town? jess and everyone else? they just died? also i didnt like how bellas love was divided between edward and renesmee. she shouldve been comepletely devoted to edward. her descriptions of being a vampire were great but some things shouldve been harder for her. plus pregnant? seriously? way to ruin it. edward and bellas were supposed to b together 4ever just them. now theres a third, plus jacob loves 2 of them, too much. renesmee shouldnt have been in the story. ya i no tht was a lot to complain about but there were good things too bad things just stick more. sry stephanie but i wouldve preferred to wait longer for a better book.

  5. hmm really you loved it?

    im not gonna lie, im a HUGE HUGE fan. I've been reading the books since twilight first came out a couple of years ago and i was literally dying waiting for this book to come out. Personally though, i didnt like it at all! as soon as bella found out she was pregnant it turned me right off the book. How many times has stephenie gone on and on about how when you turn into a vampire you die? Yet magically Renesmee happens? what the heck. they try and say the whole "seventy year old man thing" to cover it up, but are you telling me a seventy year old corpse can still impregnate someone? Hmm.. After the whole werewolf nessie drama was over i also found the book painfully boring right up untill the volturi arrived. All in all, i feel this book is the worst in the series and that she probably rushed to make deadlines. and no i did not like the ending, I think she made it too perfect. As sad as i would have been edward and bella should have died to save nessie and Jacob and they should have been the only ones who lived on. breaking dawn was a big let down for me, and it kicked her below JK Rowling on my favorite authours. Sorry stephenie, you fail.

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