

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes I wonder… I search my soul and I wonder…

Are you the God that made me?

That blew his breath in me?…

Are you the one that put me down in a crib of h**l?

The h**l of poverty, disease and hunger.

Are you the same God that lives in churches

Where preachers talk about you

Where people sing praises unto you?….

Are you the God that made me?

Left me to fend for myself in stinking ghetto streets of zimbabwe

Abused, rejected, neglected .

Are you the one that put me down to sleep

in grave yards and gully banks?

Are you the same God that makes miracles

That changed water into wine

That calmed the waves and raised the dead?

Are you the God that made President Robert Mugabe

To feel police brutality

Although I have committed no crime?

Are you the same God that put bread on rich people’s tables

And leaves my belly empty day after day?

Are you the same God that heals the sick

But let my poor mother die just so?…

Are you the god that made me?

That will one day take back the breath you gave me?

Are you the same one that never blessed my life

Let me live in grief and pain

To die someday shot down like a dog?

Are you the same one that talks of love

But never sent any my way.

Are you the same God that lives in heaven

But will not greet me in yur kingdom




  1. Have you ever considered writing professionally? Seriously, that's some strong stuff..

  2. That's very good. But why you posted it here, no idea. At you can post as many poems as you want and even have them put in a book for free, with other poets work that you can then later buy. Good stuff.  
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