
THe flight to Washington DC is 3 HOURS OMGGGG WHAT AM I going to do?????

by Guest59607  |  earlier

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Atleast its not 8-9 hours like it is when we drive to my grandparent's house!! lol

But still.... you cant really be loud like me and my sister usually are sometimes on our car trips...

Its hard to sleep so tahts out of the question.

Me and my sister are 14 and 15 so waht can we do? We have our ipods, ds's (but we cant use the wi fi, so it would be kinda boring unless we just played by ourselves...

Then we have a dvd player also, but what else can we bring?

What occupies yall on air plane rides? Cause doing nothing is pretty boringggggg!!!




  1. read a book..thats what i did on all my flights

    i flew to cali from ny, to texas, to italy makes the time go by...and sometimes it makes you sleepy so you can take a nap and before you know're there!

    i suggest reading twilight by stephanie meyer..i started reading her series two years ago and now everyone i know is obsessed with it. my friend's younger sister who never reads, she's 16, loves it

  2. take a variety of games, a book, some crossword or word search puzzles, etc.

  3. I find reading the airline magazine, buying food takes up lots of time, and by the time you eat it, there's 30 minutes. Take a leasurly trip to the lavatory, look out the window, watch the movie (if there is one), rating songs on your ipod (thats what i did once!), nad one thing i once did on a 4 hour flight when the entire entertainment system was dead the entire time, i tried figuring out where we were the entire time by looking out the window and using the airline magazine.

  4. okee well im saying this as a person who is also ur age

    ever heard of books!!??

    i have a ds and ipod and all tht stuff just like you but seriously though you need to stop being so hooked up and dependant on technology !

  5. i just went there!!!

    that plane flight felt like the worst in history!! i swear.

    i like to as you said listen to my ipod and also i found that magizines and laptops kill time..

    (i spent half an hour watching this movie that this guy in front of my was watching! :p )

  6. OMGGGGGG!!!  Like...totally go jump off a cliff or something!!!   SERIOUSLY!!  YOU'LL survive!!!  Don't you know how to read??  get a good book or magazine...a crossword puzzle for crying out loud.  How about just talking to your sister, or make a new friend on the plane with your seat mates.  

    "Yall" are just going to have to use your imagination and creativity here, and learn what it's like to be free from cyberspace, tv,dvd,cd, and all that other c**p that rots your brains.

  7. Ever hear of books?

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