
THis question is for People who play volleyball ???(and are good at it)?

by Guest62238  |  earlier

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Ok, i recently started playing volleyball for my school, and i hate to say it but i suck. I cant serve all that great, and when i reach out and jump to hit the ball i miss it by a long shot, and i have ALOT of trouble getting the ball over the net. So volleyball players, is their any advice that you can give me on how to do better in all three areas that i am stuggling with?? Your help would be GREATLY appreciated. thank you and have a great day.




  1. im trying out 4 voleyball too! all i can really say is practice and spike the ball with TWO hands! (many people attempt one hand.)

  2. well, if you cant get the ball over the net; put more power into it. bend down a little more and really push it up. also, try and serve it slowly so you can actually hit the ball.

    the best advice i can give is to PRACTICE:)

    i hope you start to like it :p

  3. Haha, I have the BEST answer for you. PRACTICE. No, really, I'm serious. The best you can do is practice. Since you've already started, work out practices in between. I think the best thing to do is practice the sport before you plan on joining a team... or a club. Space out a time to practice one specific thing, for example, if you are mainly just a passer, practice passing/bumping. Try that out for a few weeks, then switch to setting, or hitting. Also, spend some time to work on your stance. Try to keep in a position that's comfortable and easy to move around in, but still always alert and ready.

  4. Serving:  If you can get it over once, try doing exactly what you did that time.

    Hitting (Right-Handed):  Stay at the 10-foot line with your right foot in back.  When the ball leaves the setters hands, step with your right foot, then left, then do a little jump to get both feet together, and then jump and kill the ball (without hitting the net).

  5. I'm not going to repeat what the other said(ok maybe I will - PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE). Here's some drills so you can practice!

  6. serving- make sure you get a good toss and hit it with an open palm.. get momentum from your lower body as well as your upper body by stepping AS you serve. dont arch your back when you serve

    Passing/bumping- be sure to keep a flat platform on your arms with your thumbs pointing down. make sure your body is behind the ball and your facing the direction of your target which is usually your setter. only hit with one arm as a absolute last resort. don't swing at the ball just bend your knees then extend them

    setting- the key to settting is soft hands. you need to open your hands wide and make sure that you use all ten fingers when you set. Don't use the tips of your fingers and when your setting push UP not forwards it will go forwards eventually. Keep your arms by your head and your elbows facing outwards. step with your right foot to get under the ball then with your left as your push the ball up making sure that you bend your knees for power

    Hitting- in order to get a good hit you need a good approach. so start out with a four step approach if you have smaller strides (right, left, then quick right, left and thrust your arms upwards) but if you have longer strides then go for a three step which is a slower right then a quick right left stepping. THen as you throw your arms up for height keep your left arm up and swing down with an open palm then snap your wrist..

    alright those are all the basics (the hitting is assuming you're right handed so i hope you are..) and if you need more help then ask again

    hope i helped!

  7. It always helps to think of someone you'd like to smack in the face. Silly but it works for me. I've always had the power, but didn't know how to use it to play good, so practice is crucial. But dont just hit carelessly, think of the technique but use your power to get a great serve over and in. Also, if you get nervous like I do sometimes, take a deep breath. You have 8 seconds to serve. Find a way to de-stress. Some people smack the ball really hard on the floor a couple times. I tried that but its not for me. So I just tap the ball a little on the floor 8 times (8 is my fave number) while taking a deep breath then serve and usually its a kill. Dont worry its hard at first, Im still a little inconsistent with serves, but I've improved a LOT in just a year in club volleyball! and nobody's perfect, btw. some people even have too much power and strike out, like in the olympics.

  8. Well.

    Service- Make sure that you are throwing the ball high enough and in front of you. Practice just throwing the ball. Put ur left foot forward and throw the ball up. you want it to be slightly in front of and next to the tip of ur big toe. Also, practice hitting it against a wall to build ur muscle and accuracy.

    Spiking- It really does help if you can get your approach down. Left, right left. Make sure you are jumping high and with all your might. When you do your approach swing your arms back to build momentum for yourself. It will help your jump. Make sure that you use your left hand to track the ball and right hand to hit it.

    Bumping- Bend low and use your leg muscles. Bring the ball up and DO NOT SWING! Make sure you line up your shoulders.

    I hope this helps you because all my coaches have taught me this and I've really gotten better...

    Please make this best answer because much effort and time was needed to help this!

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