

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I were just sitting on lawn chairs outside and a tiny bird. . .like a finch. . .flew over and landed on the fence about 3 ft. away from where I was sitting. It studied me for a minute. . .flew over and landed on my head. . .and yanked a strand(s) of hair out. . .then flew off with it. Shortly thereafter. . .within minutes. . .that same bird flew BACK. . .landed on the fence again . . .studied my husband and I AGAIN. . .then flew over and landed on HIS head. . .and pulled some strands out of HIS head !

I know it was probably taking the strands of hair to build its nest. . .but WHY OUR HAIR ?????? Aren't there ENOUGH things in the "wild" without picking on my husband's and my hair ????? COULD IT BE A SUBLIMINAL OMEN OR MEANING ?!

Just curious if anyone know birds well enough to answer this query ?!




  1. You could have some Head lice or other insects crawling in your hair if they see you are sitting still and there is something they can eat in your hait they will go and take it and come back to find more!

    But they also do make small nests so maybe it saw your hair and decieded to take a sample to put in its nest.

  2. Finch's make very small nests and most likely there are not enough small fibers to build a nest. try taking the hair from your hairbrush and putting it on the fence. See if she comes and takes it. another thing you can put out is the lint from the dryer. I would think of it as an honor they landed on you. Most birds are fearful of large things like humans. You must have l looked peaceful and content.

  3. probably still enough you were not a threat and shiny enough hair to attract them or fruity scent in hair

  4. well  hair is very tough. maybe it wanted a tough material. birds can be weird sometimes.  

  5. your hair either lookes stong to the bird or it was so messy that the brid thought is was a nest. but most likely the bird was raised buy people and set free so now its not scared of people.

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