
TIRED all the time, 6 months pregnant?

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Im 6 months pregnant and im sleeping about 12 hrs a day now? I can sleep for 12 hrs, wake up, then want to go right back to bed, im so exhausted, im worried because when i go to bed at night ill wake up 12 hrs later, but in that 12 hr time period i havnt eaten, will that hurt my baby? If i try to wake myself up to eat before 12 hrs i feel sick if i eat so i can make myself wake up to eat, my mom said she did the same thing with me and that the babys fine but 12 hrs seems like a long time to go without eating for my baby...




  1. Has your iron level been checked?  If not, you may need to add an iron pill if you are anemic.  This happened to me and once I started taking the supplement I felt much better.  

    If your iron is fine, and you are eating healthy the rest of the day I agree that you are fine.  Live it up (or sleep it up) as it gets harder to get comfortable and sleep the further along you get.

    Congrats and best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  2. Why are you feeling so much exhausted by the way?Is your blood pressure OK?Are you going for your routine checkups with your Dr.Consult a Dr immediately.I f everything OK try to adopt a healthy lifestyle to end up your fatigue.

    For the nutrition of your baby If your taking your required food in the rest 12 hours when you are not sleeping It is OK.

  3. oh yes this is normal, there is nothing like that pregnancy fatigue. Just sleep as much as you can, because in about 3 months you will wish for half that.

  4. yup ....that's normal.  I think it's our bodies way of showing us how tired we'll be AFTER the baby is born ......cause you think you're tired now ?? Just wait till that baby wakes you up ever few hours !!

    Congrats ....and remember to enjoy this time as much as possible's a MIRACLE called LIFE

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