
TIme to change my home page! My Yahoo has been up and down for 2 days.?

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TIme to change my home page! My Yahoo has been up and down for 2 days.?




  1. This may sound rather too simple, but the tip I stumbled upon Saturday for the same problem worked like a charm.  Shut down your computer (all the way, not a 'restart'), wait a couple of minutes [to let your drive come to a total stop, I suppose] and then power back up.  There is no harm in trying, and I did receive a thumbs-up 'best answer' vote from another inquirer that I passed this on to.   I hope this works for you, too.  Blessings.....

  2. Mine too! The good news is that when it was down yesterday it eventually came back. The bad news is there is no way to get any answers. It may be a heavy traffic and server problem. I did send Yahoo help an email but have yet to receive an answer. I have a lot of stuff stored there that would be difficult to move. I'm thinking of a different home page too - any suggestions?

  3. Its time to get away from Yahoo altogether....!

  4. Did your difficulty start after you undated your WindowsXP?  I could not open my home page after that.  I use Firefox and the Windows update must have interfered with the link over to Yahoo.  Cannot find how to fix it.

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