
TM R7 Draw or Hibores?

by Guest61677  |  earlier

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Being a right handed golfer and unfamiliar with the left side of the course - I am trying to get your feedback. Would the Cleveland hibore irons or R7 TM Draw irons help with a fade - ummm - slice. Which wd be better?




  1. The R7 Draw is a much better club than the Cleveland Hibores hands down. I have a set of the TM R7's and I no longer slice, although sometimes they fade when I don't want them to.

  2. The entire Cleveland line of Hibores is actually meant for people who like to fade the ball.  For instance, Vijay hits a Hibore and he loves to hit a power fade.  This club is meant for that type of trajectory, and the irons are no exception.  The R7 TM draws are obviously meant to help promote a draw trajectory.  So between those two iron sets, I would recommend the Taylormades for the type of player that you are.  Also, you might look into changing shafts to a stiffer flex.  This will help your accuracy.  Try the rifle series depending on your swing speed.

    Hope this helps.

  3. The R7 draw irons would be better for your fade and would give you the maximum distance and forgiveness out of everyshot. The hibores are as well great clubs but they wont stop your slice but if you were to get the hibores and practice with them and just fix your swing to stop your slice, the hibores will help you a lot better in the long run.

    Good Luck

  4. I am a 12 index and do fade the ball /  I used to slice but it is now under more control.   Actually I'd like to draw the ball so I bought the R7 draw irons without testing them out.  I play offset drivers (Cobra mspeed)and irons (old Nicklaus air bears).  I bought the R7 draw irons without trying them.  They hit solid, but they actually made me hit more right than before.   I was not slicing it to the right, it would was more like a fade ending up 10-20 plus yards right of my intended target depending on the club.  

    I would be cautious about buying them based on the intended   purpose of the club -- a "draw" club.  It may be that the R7 draws are closed such that I was not aligning properly to the ball but I don't think that was the case.  I played maybe three or four rounds with them and sold them for a $100 loss. -- still in mint condition.   I've gone back to my old Nicklaus clubs and am much happier.

  5. go with the R7 taylormade has and always will be the leading golf brand out there... the R7 irons are very forgiving!!
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