
TMI but...What can I do about this?

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I'm pregnant in my first weeks..just missed AF august 10th& constipated badly I've drank lots of apple juice & its helped a little bit I dont konow really whats safe to take but I have had bad cramps due to implantation or something but I think that this constipation is making my cramps alot worse!! what can I do besides drinking alot of apple juice lol? please no rude answers!




  1. your problem is normal just eat oatmeal every morning and take a rectal laxative. and for pain you can only have Tylenol nothing else unless you are told so by the doctor  

  2. First, congrats on the pregnancy! Some things that might help: Glycerine suppositories, prunes and prune juice, stool softeners.  Pregnancy causes constipation but also prenatal vitamins usually cause constipation as well so be sure that the prenatal vitamin you are taking contains a stool softener. The one I'm sure of is Prenate Elite. Good luck and happy and healthy nine months!!

    EDIT:  Here's a website you can use to check and see if meds are safe during pregnancy, including over the counter meds--

  3. drink as much water as you can. Coffee makes me go, think of what normally you avoid as to not go so much. If that doesn't work, choke down some prunes. Yuck.Oh, are you taking iron, that could be doing it.

  4. It's okay.  Not TMI.  You have to tell people in order to get an answer!  

    I'm really sorry this is happening to you.  You'll be okay though... just please, to start, no straining!  A lot of women get hemorrhoids when pregnant; you don't want that.  

    And yeah, it will make your cramps worse i'm sure, even though i'm a guy, because it makes everything worse.  

    For starters: please avoid fatty, greasy foods for a little while until you resolve this.  Next, I like to buy a bran muffin mix at the supermarket for like 1.24 it's called Hodgson's.  If they don't have that you can get another.  Make it with an egg, some milk, add some honey or molasses.  Or you can just buy a few bran muffins, then eat them!  

    Please drink lots of water, and make that a habit for the rest of your life.  It helps immensely, with everything.  Find a brand that tastes good to you.  At first you won't like it, then you will get addicted and won't want to be without your water bottle next to you.  

    It's okay to take ducosate (a softener) in the short run, but try to avoid using it too often.  Also, you can buy for twenty dollars the red rubber bag, hose, nozzle, get some filtered water (or use Brita water, warm though), get it warm, and ... well, you know.  Just always be gentle and use oil.  Never force it.  You can get a quart or two of water in... your problem will come out.  This is e***a, and it can make you feel tired afterwards, but just drink lots of water plus drink more of your apple juice or grape juice.  It's not good to depend on but an excellent treatment now and then.  If you're really uncomfortable and don't have time for that, you can one time use Fleet Mineral Oil (orange box) e***a.  It just really softens things up and gets it out.  Not good long term but fine one time until you change your diet enough to preclude this problem in the future.  

    But if you don't like that, just go with lots of water, low fat food, and eat some bran muffins.  I recommend a softener, just to start, but not with a stimulant.  

    Good luck, you're going to be okay.  Whatever works for you though, keep some around the house!  So when this happens again, you don't have to panic and go running out to deal with it.  

  5. YAY!!!!!!!! Congrats! Constipation is one of the many joys:-) the first thing is to try (as much as possible) to stay regular, try prune juice ~if you can stand it! Also if you have to you can take Colace, find this at any drug store, but as little as possible. Drink lots of fluids and up your fiber (cereal etc...) GOD BLESS!!!!!!!

  6. id have to say talk to your doc

  7. Rectal laxative, metamucil and get used to eating oatmeal every morning. It WILL keep you regular. But your problem is very normal in pregnant women.

  8. Yes try PRENATE ELITE !!! They do work...

  9. Eat foods high in fiber. I'd suggest eating grape nuts cereal. I personally love them, but most people hate them. They should help regulate them though.

  10. Have you considered listening to The Jonas Brothers?  Their music always makes me ****.

  11. the constipation will be the cause of your cramps.not drinking enough water is one of the most common causes,hormones can do too though.drink no less than 2 litres of water a day and try eating more fibre like bran flakes or you can buy if to sprinkle over stews/casseroles and eat plenty of fruit.raw onion always works for me,dried prunes are good too. my dr gives me lactolose solution which is safe during pregnancy if i have problems going to the loo....try not to stress as it can cause miscarriages too....the change im going to make when i get pregnant again is to cut out all caffine as ive recently found out it increases the chance of miscarriage by about 50%.decaff coffee is the worst by far, which you would think was better than the coffee with caffine but it isnt as the process which removes the caffine is worse than the caffine itself to pregnant women.have you asked about the progesterone or taking wild yam yet? it could help avoid another miscarriage.....hope things go well!!

  12. I just read your other question, are you sure you are pregnant at this point??? I'm confused. Did you take a test. Prune juice will help if you are constipated.

  13. Try miralax, you can buy it at walmart and i think its really safe to take during pregnancy..It at one point was a prescription drug but now is an over the counter. I work in nursing and we call miralax a GOD SENT because it really works so good! Good luck and be sure to call ur dr before you do use it! If not that try some baby jar prunes!!!  

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