
TMI but please answer?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this is what has happened so far....

Had a doctors appt at 10:45am, waiting a little while in the waiting room, got my cervix checked at approx 11:15-ish

Left the doctors office went to eat a small meal, went back to work approximately got back to work at 12:30-ish

Got to work, went to the bathroom, I had a pantyliner on that was halfway covered in blood. Not mucusy it didn't look like. Could it be from the exam maybe?

After changing my pantyliner went to my desk and waiting about 10 minutes before I went to check again, walked to the bathroom, the new pantyliner was halfway covered in blood. Called the doctors office back, the nurse I spoke to said it's probably just from the exam but monitor it just in case.

After speaking to nurse, about 1:00pm, no more blood....until...

Its now about 8:25pm here and I just went to the bathroom again and noticed another new pantyliner has a "smaller" amount of blood on it. Not as much as the other times when it covered almost half but still quite a bit. I have a headache but I'm not like cramping or anything. At my doctors appt I was only like 1 cm dialated. I'm scheduled for an induction on September 2nd.




  1. I couldn't tell you what it is for sure, but I don't like the sound of it.  If you are "freeked" about it, don't let them put you off and act like it's no big deal.   Get an answer.  Not a "probably" from your doctors office staff.  

  2. I went for my first exam about 40weeks far along and i bled to, quite a bit and then it stopped and i had a little bit later. I was only fully effaced not dialated. A week later I lost my mucus plug and i had been 2cm dialated.

    Everyone is different, but ask at ur next apt. He might want to check your cervix again. Hope that helped a bit for ya :)

  3. yes sometimes this happens but what could have happen was from the exam you could have dialated some and the stretching could have caused you to bleed a little. you should be fine but if you have more then that and it still continues go get recheck. good luck and congrats

  4. the blood to me sounds like the start of labor my doctor told me if i had any kind of bloody show to go to the er immediatly so if i were you just to be on the safe side i would go

  5. It probably is just from being checked, but you could call again tomorrow and tell her that it stopped and then started again.  If you aren't cramping at all and there is no amniotic fluid leaking out you should be ok.  Good luck!
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