
TNA vs WWE.. why is there a fued?.. your thoughts?

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why is there always an argument of which one is the better company?

i dont really care i watch them both

i have to be honest and say .. TNA is kind of a knock off because they have a lot of WWE wrestlers.. but all in all im watching the same thing in both shows

its one thing to say pro wrestling is fake but when people remark that WWE or TNA is worse or better than the other .. thats just stupid

and well if you dont like one or either of them just dont watch it.. that solves that problem, if you dont like WWE dont watch it, dont answer WWE question.. same for TNA

but seriously why do we always argue about it. im like my gosh get over it already its the same thing

they both share the same wrestlers

the same moves

both have PPVs

both have the same goal :entertain, make money, reach great ratings, sell merchandise.

so ...... whats to argue for?

thats just my opinion.. feel free to add your own or inform me with incorrect or more info...

just dont get sarcastic .. thanks!!




  1. There were many statements made by TNA Superstars saying that they could out do WWE any day of the year. But there has yet to be an actual fued. They seem to purposely make characters that resemble WWE superstars and that doesn't seem to sit right with extreme WWE fans. I don't really pay attention to TNA anymore. And I completely agree with the "if you don't like it, don't answer it" notion.

  2. Vince doesn't own TNA as  Panda Energy has the controlling 72% interest with Jeff and Jerry Jarrett and TNA President Dixie Carter owning the remaining 28%.

    I'm a fan of both WWE and TNA as they both put on entertaining weekly shows and ppvs.Both promotions have talented exciting stars who can work good matches and segments and can cut promos.WWE focuses more on the storylines, glitz and glamor, while TNA just concentrates more on the wrestling action.For me both promotions are equally entertaining with neither really better than the other.

  3. You forgot the most important part - TNA and WWE are owned and operated by the same company. Vince McMahon owns both of them.

    WWE has a larger budget than TNA but I guess thats cause TNA is sort of the second string.

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