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I'm 17 years old, and I've been thinking of being a police officer..and then maybe trying to work for special weapons and tactics

during middle school i got into a lot of trouble. just stupid things. and i also got charged with weapons in a weapon free school zone in 8th grade. i also had assault with a dangerous weapon at the same time, but that charge was dropped. i only got probation and ive never been in trouble before or after that. since I've been in high school i haven't been in any trouble. and i get pretty good grades.

and i know that they look back at your records and i was wondering what are my chances of being able to pursue that line of work?




  1. With the little information provided I can tell you the dangerous weapon assault most likely was a felony and will not look good, even if it was dropped...because dropped to police is one of two things: the victim failed to prosecute, or not enough evidence was present for the city/town to prosecute.

    If it is only this one isolated incident and you keep your nose clean you should be ok...they have many applicants and those others may be squeaky clean, but honestly, it is hard to find such a squeaky one today.  If you are aiming for a very good force, they have more to choose from, but if you are going for a smaller one, then they don't.

    GOOD LUCK!  and remember, keep yourself out of trouble's way if you want to pursue this line of work.

  2. When I was a law enforcement officer.. the county that I worked for the rule was this.. any felonies was a no no regardless to what your age was and how long ago it was.  Reason.. how could that officer be trustworthy or arrest others for a felony if they themselves have one?

    Most officers around the globe are good people and really have kept their noses clean.  It's rare to have dirty cops.. the t.v. only shows those so of course your going to assume all are.

    Also, during the screening, you will go through a polygraph test and a mental evaluation.. so you can't hide it or lie.  They will know.

    But then, it would depend on their need for people in your area.  Chances are in this economy, it will be very tough.

    good luck.

  3. It's going to vary from department to department. I would be particularly alarmed that your goal was "special weapons and tactics," when you have had issues with weapons just a few years ago.

    They are going to be thoroughly evaluating you, including a polygraph, a psychological exam, and several interviews. They do know that people make mistakes, but in this situation they would probably suspect that you still have an alarming passion for weapons.

    My suggestion is to put some time between you and your crimes. Get a college degree in criminal justice, then apply for the force. And think about reasons to be a cop, beyond getting to handle weapons.

    Also, they will look for your MySpace page and any other activity you do on the internet. They will also interview your family and friends. You don't have to simply not get in trouble, you have to be a generally decent person.

  4. They look at your records but don't take anything too seriously from when you're under 16 and 18. I want to go into the police force as well :) Good luck. :)

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