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This is in regards to the question that was posted asking how to freeze baby hamsters for snake feed. To rat owners, we all no traditionally snakes are feed rats, I have had both snakes and rats as pets. They are both great pets, but just cause we love our pet rats does that mean that it is cruel to feed a different one to the snake or should the Snake not eat? These hamster owners seem to think that there hamsters are better and should never be used as food! i have also had hamsters and personally think rats make better pets, but what make there pet more special. It is still a rodent right? Take off its hair and it looks like a tail less rat or mouse. If raised for food, it is food and not a pet it should not make a difference what type of rodent it is. One is not more special than the other. The only reason breeders chose to use rats is because all together they provide better nutrition for the snake not because they are uglier than other rodents. If hamsters where more nutritious they would use them. Let me no your opinion!




  1. My opinion is that i love my pet rats very much. I would hate to starve my animals. So its the same for other peoples snakes. They need to eat, like your hamsters and rats.

    I couldnt do it myself but i think all animals need to eat. if the snake doesnt eat it wont survive.

    However This doesnt mean i dont love my rats. Like i said  just want best for all animals.

  2. Are you DUMB??!!! WHY would you feed any rodent to a snake??!! Yea,ik that its good for them and stuff, but that is RIDICULOUS!! i LOVE rats and hamsters and every rodent and it is sad and cruel to do that im sure every one who answered agrreees with me so there you go theres my answer~!

  3. Nah food is food like you said some people keep cows or sheep or chickens as pets but we still eat them don't we?? so whats the diffrence when it comes to snakes.

    My mate has snakes and i had baby rats, he wanted to feed MY baby rats to his snakes but i wouldn't let him b/c they were my rats lol.

    But the snakes have to eat so yeah theres nothing wrong with breeding to feed at least that was you know your feeding your sanke healthy food and that the food had a good like while it was alive

  4. I'm not going to insult you or anything, however. There are rodents that are bred specifically for feeders. Usually they are specified, and feeder rodents differ from pet rodents in that most of the time the feeders are inbred and they are not bred for quality, but rather bred for quantity. As for the rodents meant to be pets, they are usually superior in genetics and rearing opposed to feeders. You might also want to check on the condition of the species, both in the wild and in captivity. For instance the syrian hamsters are now an endangered species in the wild, and it may seem like a hamster or rat a day doesn't make much of a difference, but combine that one a day for 2 years or more and you're looking at almost a thousand. That's a dent in a population that is not bred for quantity, but when you consider the other end. A breeder and feeder will have a litter every month or so.

    Again, anyone that even considers feeding a snake or other animal non-feeder rodents, please do some investigating and make sure there is no alternative, and no way to get breeder rodents first.  

  5. They have plain white mice at some pet stores meant for feed, but don't buy the pet mice as food! It's just cruel either way! But at least get white mice because they're MEANT for feed.

  6. Now I love all animals and I have owned mice, rats, hamsters and other small creatures.  My sis is a snake breeder, and I'm just letting u guys know that it's not just mice, rats, and hamster that are getting feed to these snakes. My sis also uses rabbits and guinea pigs. Now my sister doesn't do it but I also have heard of people using kittens from animal shelters, baby pigs, and what ever else they can find to fit in that snakes mouth. I'm not saying snake are bad I like snakes to, when I go over to my sister's house I'll usually have one around my neck.

  7. Hi, I am sure a few people will have a go at my answer but I breed rats for snake food as I have had trouble getting rats of a good enough quality.  I love my rats and a few never become food.

    Most people feed rats and mice because they are the right size, some people feed gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc but hamsters are not recommended as they are a fatty rodent so its a bit like use eating greasy duck everyday with extra fat on the side, instead of chicken which is a bit leaner.

    I have found that by breeding my own feeder rats I can enjoy the rats while they are around and my snakes are in brilliant condition because they are only ever feed dead, good quality rats and not ones that have been ill in large scale breeding units.  If you wanted to take up breeding for a small snake I would recommend gerbils as snakes really love them and they are easy and entertaining to keep.  That is how I started.

    I always think when people say its wrong is that someone has to do it otherwise their would be a lot of hungry snakes out there.

  8. And frankly its a good idea to get your feeder rats, mice, rabbits etc. from a breeder who does so for feeders to snakes or other reptiles. Those rodents are fed specifically to be fed and have the nutrition your snake needs. There comes a time in an animal lovers life when they have to realize that some animals eat other animals. Working at the zoo I have seen some things that I would rather not remember. I do however know that working with exotics or domestics there will be some type of animal that will eat others for better or for worse. Its unfortunate but it is a fact of life.  

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