
TO all WAr protesters!!?

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my recent question was about peace and now i have a question for war protesters, i realize some of you have been affected badly by war and hurt but if you want it over do something help dont criticise Pres. bush you elected him so support the warrr effort so we can get out so we can win and who knows we might even be able to let israel take over do something dont whine




  1. I think it's necessary to CONSTRUCTIVELY criticize the president's conducting of the war, as Senators like Chuck Hagel and Richard Luger are, and Democrats like Levin, Lieberman and Biden.  Where you discuss parts of the war plan and reconstruction that aren't working, or are wasteful, and push for more efficient and productive measures that move our effort toward victory in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

    My main problem with the uncivil Left is that they:

    1) have declared defeat, from the very beginning, and just want to pull out, with no consideration of how to move toward victory in Iraq.

    2)  Never offer any kind of credible alternative plan, and just complain.   Senator Biden has suggested separating Iraq into 3 separate Kurd, Sunni and s**+'ite nations.   But Biden does not speak for the mainstream of the Democrat party, any more than McCain does for the Republicans.

  2. I am not a war "protester", but a war opponent. This war, anyway. I hear all these people talking about "winning" the war. What is your definition of "win" ? How and when do we determine that we've won ? When there is no one left alive in Iraq other than American soldiers ? We went in with the stated goal of removing a sadistic dictator. That goal was acheived a long time ago, yet our boys die every day.

    How many young Americans must lose their lives before we "bring democracy to Iraq" ? This has become their civil war, and we have no business involved in it. Mesopotamia sent no troops to our shores in the 1770's.

    Help the war effort ? This isn't WW II, where kids collected metal and rubber for recycling, we're not selling War Bonds, and most women are working already, so Rosie the Riviter is probably out of the question. So how does one "help the war effort" ?

    I voted for Bush, and I am a conservative. but my conscience will not allow me to support a war that I find unneccesary, as well as ill-advised and most likely illegal. I can no longer support a President that has plied the public with fear to get his way.

    When we go to war with a country that is some sort of threat to our way of life, I will whole-heartedly support the war. But don't accuse me of whining, or being a liberal, or a communist, or anti-American, because I am none of the above.


  3. Should the germans have supported hitler?  They elected him.  It is ridiculous to think that you have to support the president when he is hurting our country so badly.

  4. No, I didn't elect him -- I did everything possible to ensure he wasn't elected -- I lost (and in my opinion, so did America). But that's beside the point.

    What gets done with or about Bush is a separate matter --- it doesn't impact the decisions we make about the ongoing Iraq occupation -- except to the extent that Bush is steadfastly blocking any attempt by any branch of govt to do something.

    So, since Bush is determined to be an obstacle to any action that the American people choose to take, he has set it up so that we need to remove that obstacle by any legal means necessary and available.

    Then we can do something.

  5. Two observations:

    1) Not everyone voted for President Bush, so technically not everyone was personally involved in electing him.

    2) Voicing disagreement (what you call "whining") is an important part of democracy.  It's how we communicate a desire for change to our elected officials.  If people hadn't "whined" about civil rights for African Americans or about suffrage for women, where would we be now?

  6. Bashing elected officials is a right of every American, even if it doesn't make sense to some.

  7. I agree completely with "coragryph" answer, I couldn't have said it any better myself.

  8. You're wasting your breath.  The Lib-Tards are nothing short of full-blown traitors for giving aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of war.  They have caused incalculable suffering and harm to the American soldiers, and have prolonged the war by giving our enemies hope to carry on the fight.  

    Had they backed their President this war would be over, and thousands of lives saved.  But, unfortunately they are incapable of supporting any elected official that they didn't personally vote for (so much for the "Tolerance" that Liberals pride themselves on.)

    If we started enforcing the laws against treason and sedition, half of the Liberals would be in jail, and the other half would have been hanged by now.

    When our veterans return from Iraq, and Afghanistan, they are going to wipe the cancer of Liberalism from the face of the earth.

    I'd say that we'll just return the favor by undermining the country when Hillary gets elected, but unlike them, Conservatives are actually upstanding, good Americans, who love their country regardless of who is the President.

  9. The war protesters do not care about the consequences of their actions.  

    If the war protesters win - millions of innocent Iraqis will die.  And they simply do not care.

  10. The Laffer Curve has proven to be effective.  As a text book republican, Bush represents this. Now sprinkle in some long term commitment in and you'll have some great results in a few years.  Until the next party comes and screws everything up again.  

    The problem is that politics are trendy and people are quick to judge.  Especially for what seems to be the right thing to do.  And I always thought killing for someone you love was a romantic thing.  

    I think its funny how often people think they're great and nice because they protest the war and scapegoat Bush for their problems.  How often do you road rage or get pissed off at the cashier who can't get your change right.  There's a lot of hate in most of us and maybe you should fix yourself first.

    Also, some of you people should buy some stock when you get the chance are really take a look at share holder proxies or find someone who has some.  Bush and other republicans are not the only ones taking in a little extra income.  

    I'm not saying I'm a Bush Lover or pro-kill, but show me a politician that isn't in touch with the dark side and I'll show you Unicorn who grants wishes.

    *Edit* This was meant for those of you who don't ever think.  For those of you who are truely nice people, Rock on!

  11. I didn't elect him.  Why do I have to support him because others voted for him?  Or even if I did why can't I change my mind?  Why can't I?  And who are you to tell me I can't?

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