
TOO funny Mccain???????????

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Why are his arms extremly so short?




  1. too old, bone desinigrating!:P

  2. His arms are "extremely so short" because he was tortured while he was courageously fighting in Vietnam. He is unable to have much movement or flexibility in his arms. Is there no low that the liberals won't sink to? Seriously, is that all the better you can do... making fun of a man who was captured while fighting for our country?

  3. B-Cause thats the way he was born..

  4. Your a fool!You don't know nothing of MC.Cain's history.


  5. When he talks, McCain flaps his arms like a Penguin.  I think it is funny as h**l.  

  6. Because of his accident

  7. Why is your brain so small. Now that is funny.

  8. ... you are an idiot.

    His arms  are like they are because he was in a prison camp in Viet Nam.. he was tortured daily.. arms and bones broken and he had to set them himself.

    He did all of this because he was fighting for our freedom, our country.  You are a fool.. and you disgust me!

  9. From being tortured while a POW in VietNam defending our country .

    You should thank the man instead of making fun of him .

    How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot and we were making fun of you.

    Bet you'd hate that.

  10. That's not funny.  He slipped while playing hockey as a kid and his arms were shortened by his sister's ice skates.  But since his arms are detachable he has been considering getting upgrades.  Going for the black glove effect to win over Star Wars fans.

  11. probably because he broke both of them defending your liberal ***.

  12. he was tortured when he was a pow. now his arms are effed up and he cant raise them past his shoulders now

  13. With all the truly relevant, important problems facing American and the world today, I want to thank you for bringing up the least important factor for all of us to consider.

  14. its probably because he use to get his arms broken every other week as a POW.  The vietlamese would ask him to repute the war and he would agree, so they would put him in a room with a camera so they could video tape him saying the usa is wrong but instead he would yell and cuss loud enough for other soldiers to hear just so he can raise the morale of his other soldiers, and then they would break his arms and as soon as they started to heal they would break them again. now the proper question is this: why are obamas lips so black, he looks like a crackhead

  15. His arms were severly injured as a POW in the Vietnam War. He still

    can't move them right today.

  16. Actually it was from being tortured in Nam.  He never regained complete use of his arms.

  17. who knows probably cuz hes so old

  18. Will Cindy like Sarah?

  19. His arms were repeated broken as a means of torture for more than four years while he was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. It left him with limited range of motion because the broken bones were never set and therefore never healed properly.

    I hope you are young so I can somehow forgive just how inappropriate your question was received.

  20. this is just proof that the obama supporters are losing ground when it comes to REAL ISSUES

  21. Oh look, now look what you've done, you've made Debra H and other republicans like her cry for doing to McCain what they've been doing to Obama's name. Shame on you. lol

  22. I'll tell you what's funny, these republicans getting all mad at you for your comment when it was their party that slandered the genuine war hero John Murtha, who lost his legs fighting in Viet Nam... and all because he wouldn't march in lockstep with our dunce CAC Bush.

    Can you say douyble standard?

  23. Since he was messed up,  he still encourageous other young soldiers to go get effed up too.  The war needs to end like it should have never begun.  I lost lost of friends from war-  physically and mentally.  He is litterally stuck in the past and he wants us to stay stuck in in too.

  24. Cos he's an Oompa Loompa

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