I've already asked the exact same question and I got one really good answer but it's a topic that's hard to find info on!, its a 10 minute talk so I've got to get a topic that will go on 4 a long time as well :) Please help me out! Just give me an idea of a good topic :) Thanks a heap!
Hey! :) I've got to do a 10 minute oral on a scientific topic related to relativity and its applications! I don't understand half the stuff we learn! My teacher gave us a few topics we could choose from. These include: Frame of Reference, Speed of Light in different media (water, glass, diamond), Speed of Sound, Sonic Booms, Light Cone, Black Holes, Flatland...
We can do something related to these topics like the Doppler effect in medicine...I tried that but lol it doesn't interest me! Does anyne have a fun topic that's related to all this? Something that's interesting and is quite ok to understand?? Thank you! And sorry for the really long question....:)