
TOUCH OF Death? Martial arts?

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Which discipline teaches this move? And how long does it take to learn? And does it really leave no evidence?

Any suggestions? Private trainer?




  1. Title: Dim Mak (Dim Hsueh)

      The Poison Hand Touch of Death

    Author: Douglas H.Y. Hsieh

    Publisher: McLisa Enterprises, Fifth Printing 1989

    Form: Paperback, 7 1/2 x 5 1/4 in, 54 Pages, Used

    * Ebay Auction Page *  



    Dim Hsueh (or Dim Mak)

        The Poison Touch Technique of Chinese Kung Fu Revealed in this book for the first time is one of the most treasured secret and forbidden techniques ever devised in Chinese Kung Fu. In studying these techniques of 'DIM HSUEH' also known as 'THE TOUCH OF DEATH', the practitioner is cautioned to be extremly careful in its applications. "UNLESS IT IS MOST NECESSARY, DO NOT HIT YOUR OPPONENT"S VITAL POINT!"

        In the ancient days of China, its use was applied only when unarmed peasants and monks had to defend themselves and their families against the tyranny of cruel War-Lords whose armed soldiers were no better than thieves and robbers. Under such circumstances, there was no time for 'fair play' and it was a case of 'Kill or Be Killed'. The prospective practitioners of this branch of forbidden art must also bear in mind that the mastery of this technique is only possible through long hours of hard training with patience, study and perseverance.

  2. A punch or strike to the heart can cause the heart to stop therefore killing your enemy. I would personally rather shoot them in the face than let them get close enough to me to punch in the chest!

  3. SiFu Frank has a great answer, and so I'll expand a little bit on this and respond (why do I bother? I'm a glutton for punishment) to comments on "ninja" and "ninjitsu" and the "death touch" stuff associated with them.

    There's sections of a book called (I believe) Bubishi, which is supposedly an Okinawan version of expanded information based on pressure point fighting from Kenpo [Chinese]. The book claims that certain strikes in certain patterns at certain times can result in death X number of hours later. [I'm not saying it's real, I'm just explaining some of the history] If you examine the diagrams, it roughly shows that nerve strikes make people fall down. Big surprise.

    The whole "ninja death touch" garbage from popular culture is thanks to a number of books put out by Ashida Kim (aka Chris Hunter, aka Radford Davis), and is absolute garbage. Stories of ninja being able to kill with a touch are likely related to a similar practice as what Sifu Frank was talking about: striking kyusho, or pressure points, which is a more advanced portion of kosshijutsu.

    There are ways to kill a person with a strike. Damaging internal organs, compressing the chest wall, crushing the trachea... But it's not a hard and fast rule that doing X will result in Y. There are simply too many variables.

  4. None, this is as mythical as the unicorn, or "el chupacabra".

    Anybody claiming that knows and can teach this is a fraud, there is not evidence for it.

    My suggestion is either to learn self-defense, carry mace, or get a stun gun.

  5. Nobody would provide any information of the death touch online....

    1st. It's highly dangerous.

    2nd. We're talking about life here

    3rd. Why would a master teach it to somebody he doesn't know?

  6. It is not a move.

    It is a science.

    It does leave evidence.

    You have to learn it from someone who really knows it.

    It is known as "vital point striking" and contrary to what people say, it does exist and it does work.

    If you study Chinese or Okinawan martial arts, you already have a "road map" so to speak of the vital point locations.

    It is not a one hit kill thing.

    You have to find someone who has studied and mastered it and you have to study extensively.

    Taika Seiyu Oyata is THE master of this technique here in the US.

    Many people, who were NOT his students, went up in front of him to prove him a phony... they all failed.

    He was doing it openly during his seminars to anyone.

    I don't know if he is still doing it, but any unbelievers should look up his schedule and give it a try.

    You never know... you might get "lucky".

  7. Sorry guys but I just had to jump in this one.

    First 99% of what is told about the subject is just junk.  However there are some things that are true here.

    First what the question refers to is known as Dim Mak.  The name does not mean    "Death Touch"..... It does mean "Death Point Striking"

    1) It was created around 1300 in China by a man named Feng.

    2) Feng created Tai-Chi-Chuan, which contains the Dim Mak

    3) Many Tai-Chi masters were not taught Dim Mak

    4) the Kyusho and Tuite techniques are based on applications of moves in kata.

    5) The Kyusho ands Tuite in kata are in many cases (but not always) techniques that descended from Chinese forms including Tai-Chi.

    6) Dim Mak (or Kyusho and Tuite) are not magic bullets. They do not make one unbeatable.

    7) Kyusho and Tuite are real and do have practical use.

    NOTE: There is much c**p presented as real kyusho/ tuite/ Dim Mak.  There are however some applications that are of practical value.

    For some reason there are many members here that either have not seen the real techniques or simply refuse to investigate the subject enough to find the truth.  After 41 years there is no way I'm going to be taken in by the fakes out there.  Yet I know for a fact that there are are applications within the kata.

    Now ask yourself this.......?  is it easier to believe that for hundreds of years martial arts masters have wasted their time practicing kata, or that we as a majority simply have not seen the real reason why kata has survived for so long.   And don't think for a minute that kata is only for teaching balance, ....etc.

    There is much more there.

  8. bullshido.  And even if it does exist, I won't bother learning it.

  9. There have been many arts that have claimed a "touch of death" as one of their secret moves. Qi Gong, Ninjitsu, and Ju Jitsu are some of the more famous ones.

    In general this is considered mostly legend. The Ninja in particular were masters of mis-information. Legends spread around ancient Japan about the things they could do, many of these legends were started by the Ninjas themselves. This mis-information helped inspire fear in their enemies and caused many to flee rather then fight them. Much of this still exists today, like the legend that they could turn invisible, fly and even the touch of death. A single maneuver that could kill an opponent. For the most part this is considered legend only.

    However, Qi Gong and Ju Jitsu have moves labeled touch of death that appear to be more real. They do not actually kill but rather knock the person unconscious with pressure point manipulation. Thus in a real fight, the person would be knocked out and then quickly dispatched while helpless. These moves are rarely taught any more and are extremely advanced. I've seen a video of one performed and it took so much activity and precision it would be very unlikely to be used in real combat.

    In general consider this a move of legend and don't bother pursuing it. You could waste your life trying to find a teacher of it and never find one.

    I hope this helps.

  10. Touch of death is a myth. Dim Mak  which translates roughly into death touch is taught to advanced Wing Chun Kung Fu students. It is the sister art of acupressure it is for healing as well as fighting.  We teach it at our school  to advanced adult students only. It is taught in conjunction with a form of  Eastern sports first aid.

    In short as a fighting technique it is just pressure point fighting. This form of fighting is only good if you are skilled enough to be able to accurately deliver sufficient force to a relatively small area. In a real fight this is not as easy as the Kung Fu movies make it look. It also does not always take effect instantly although I have seen it take my arm out in a match in about one second. My arm was fairly useless for about a half hour. That was delivered with a heel strike. I had to have my Sifu treat my arm so I could drive home. It made a believer out of me. This is a powerful art in the right hands.

    There is no single vital point that you can touch and kill someone.  There is no combination of touches that can kill or paralyze someone. That is pure bunk.

    There is a real science helping heal and hindering someone through the use of acupressure points.

  11. A little known Chinese herb known as Fu Quan Gang can teach you the touch of death in as little as five months!  Order now at

  12. I learned a version of this. Of course, it requires holding a brick in your hand when you deliver the touch.

  13. it involves touching the trigger of a gun

  14. none,

    anyone purporting to practice such "one hit kill" strikes is bullshido.

    yes, if mike tyson punched callista flockheart in the jaw she would have a high chance of dieing, but even still this is not guaranteed.

    too many variables exist for such a thing to work. variables of size stregth, power, and of course body structure and overall health, not to mention the fact that in order to strike a specific point on a person's body in the right way requires far far much more than a strike or a few strikes to a vital target area like the face, at which point, even if this type of thing existed you would likely be koed by a variety of strikes before getting the chance to do anything.

    its bullshido, and even if it weren't it would be at best ineffective and inefficient and unreliable.

  15. There is no such thing as the touch of death (mostly because it's shown on the media so often) another thing that is close to it is called dim mak (chinese pressure points) which can only be taught by advance students.

  16. I know that ninjitsu teaches the hammerfist move.  it's a simple punch with the side of the fist to the CPR point on the chest(three fingers above the bottom of the sternum. )  the basic fysics is that you cause such a violent compression of the chest on a vital point (it's where the heart is located) that you can stop the heart cold.  BUT the odds of you getting the perfect punch in are close to the odds of winning the lottery.

    a few kung fu styles teach similar techniques as well.

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