
TOWER 7. Do u believe the 9/11 report that states FIRE IMPLODED building 7?

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Tower 7 IMPLODED, with out being hit by a plane!


IMPLODED In record free fall speed! 6.5 SECONDS

Please answer the question yes,or no. And explain ur answer.



mass falls toward the path of least resistance.

How would the building IMPLODE?




  1. Yes.

    Never before has a major bridge fallon onto the roadway below in this country - so it can't happen.

    Never before have hurricanes completely devastated an entire American city - so it can't happen.

    Never before has a corporation as large as Enron declared bankruptcy and gone under - so it can't happen.

    Never before has fire and debris damage caused a 47 story building to collapse - so it can't happen?

  2. No, but I don't believe the Warren report on Kennedy either, so I suppose I am one of those conspiracy theorist

  3. Wow what are they going to invent next to cover this False Flag Operation up!

    It was demolished! Fact and they are just trying to use the jedi mind trick!

    Please these are the people that did this!

    And want you to believe that Bin Laden is still alive and hiding under your Bed!

    They are the ones who want to drag the USA into this:

    Am I a conspiracy theorist?

    Or just a Paranoid Android

    On this one, each person must search for the truth, I will show you that which I see, but the choice must be yours!

    I will say this though in responce to some of the earlier answerers.

    1, tin cans don't have windows and doors!

    2, If there was a hole in the corner, that rules out No. 1, and the build would have been weaken on one side, how should that have fallen?

    3, there are many thing that happen for the first time this is true, but structural behaviour is a little different from pot luck!

    But again I will say you decide for yourself, but don't jump to the first possible conclusion here, rule out all the impossible ideas and then what ever your left with, however improbable could just be the true and only reason!

  4. because fire requires oxygen to burn and it tries to pull air in from the outside causing the building to implode.

    try this..outside... put lighter fluid in a coffee can, light it and put the lid on. run and watch the can implode.

  5. and i believe in santa claus and the easter bunny and the tooth fairy too not

  6. so BLOODY true!

    has a steel and concrete building EVER collapsed from fire?


  7. Whenever the assassination of president Kennedy is disclosed, the 9/11 will be.

  8. Tin foil hats- to ON!

  9. there was a huge hole in the bottom corner of wtc7. (2nd pic on page)

  10. My understanding is the building was demolished because it was damaged beyond repair. It was not an inside job. The attacks were commited by islamic terrorists. But according to the data we have been presented with I tend to think that there was a pre knowledge of 9/11 attacks

  11. It didn't come down from fire. The crook that owned the WTC buildings admitted in an interview that they decided to "pull it" which is a demolition term to take it down with demolition charges.

    There is much that people do not know about that day but people all over the world know and are figuring out. Maybe one day the truth will be released among everyone but I wouldn't hold my breath just yet.  

  12. it sounds better than some Government plot to blow it up

  13. Sure, super secret Kelta Force used Klingon cloaking technology to hide themselves, as they secretly spent 3 months rigging the building for demolition.

    They use phase transducers to gain access to the support beams thru the walls, without damaging the walls.

    Then hid the demo det cord behind the walls, down to the basement and into the sewer system.

    Using trained 30 feet long NYC alligators to carry the det cord 2 miles down the street.

    Then they secretly paid middle eastern terrorist, to fly airliners into the WTC, to give them cover to demolish WTC 7.

    And they were sneaky too,

    They used Saudi terrorist to fly the planes, so we could invade iraq.

    Cause everyone knows, if it had been iraqi terrorist, we would have had to invade Tahiti.

    You do know, that WTC 2 fell on the front of WTC 7 and tore the front off of WTC 7 ?

    Don't you ?

  14. I was watching the today show on NBC and watched the second plane hit the World Trade Center. It was terrorist that caused the planes to hit the World Trade Center..

    The fuel from the planes was extremely hot, more heat than that buildings could with stand.

    I will never believe that the United States Government had anything to do with this or that they would stand by and let this happen to the American people.

  15. The only people that "did 9-11" were 19 members of Al quada. The destruction of tower 7 has been explained ad nausum. Will people that insist on believing the same old tired conspiracy theories check all the facts of what happened that day before posting. It would be a great time saver.

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