The spin-off to the popular "X-Files" named after the conspiracy trio called "The Lone Gunmen" had their pilot episode eerily mimic the events that led up to 9-11 almost exactly...
The pilot for The Lone Gunmen had them discovering a deeper conspiracy beyond the faked death of Byers' father. A cell of rogue US government intelligence men has decided to execute Scenario 12-D, based on domestic terrorism. The plan: take over a commercial jet by remote control via the autopilot and send it crashing into an office building, with the impact and fuel serving as a bomb.
This technology bore resemblance to a computer guidance program called "Home Run," reported on 9-11 conspiracy sites. Home Run was created in the 1970s under the auspices of the Defense Department's Advanced Projects Research Agency after a series of terrorist hijackings of passenger jets. The project would allow persons on the ground to take over a jet by remote control by overriding the autopilot system.
The rationale by the TV show's "Overlord" and his men is that the Cold War is over, and peace is not justifying more defense spending. Fake a terrorist attempt, and any number of groups will take responsibility. The president and Congress will quickly react with increased funds for military needs. Reality, of course, did give us Congress allocating more money for personnel, military materiel and the "War on Terrorism."
The program echoed reality in too many incidences. The jet took off from Boston, just like American Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, which ulimately struck the Trade Center. Even the fuel capacity and low number of passengers were close.
A scary thought?