
TRUE or FALSE Nursing, a dreadful coarse.?

by Guest59225  |  earlier

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are you a nursing student? or planning to be?

If you are, why choose such course?

personally? i find it dreadfull-very very dreadfull! help!




  1. I think nursing school can be dreadful.  You're subjected to the worst in the profession as a student.  Knowing how you feel about it now is a good indication that perhaps it's not the career for you.  It takes an extremely special person to be a nurse.  We can't all be that person.  Best of luck.

  2. my daughter is a young nurse, she wanted to be one since before high school. Today she has/is (?) a RNBS and works in a neonatal intensive care unit. She loves her job, is paid well and is a great comfort to families as well as regularly saving the lives of babies. She worked the less desirable jobs in nursing and worked hard to get ahead. I am so proud of her I tear up thinking about it. It is a tough but rewarding profession. And remember to wash your hands!

  3. Well you might find it dreadful..........But remember it takes a very special person to do nursing..........They have a very difficult job to do and have to put up with alot of c**p too.........And they work very hard too.NOW REMEMBER IF YOU WERE IN HOSPITAL AND NEEDED SOMETHING: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR FIRST WORD??? YES NURSE...IN OTHER WORDS THEY HAVE TO BE SERVANTS TO,TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE IN HOSPITALS TOO..........Most of the Nurse's Choose that field because they love it...........And they are able to help so many people.....What would we do without our nurses...The Hospitals would close down if every-one thought like you.

  4. True?

  5. What's dreadfull for you is happiness to another.

  6. False. My mom always wanted me to become a nurse. However, I didn't feel I had the stomach for it. Nursing is all how you look at it though. Nurses helps save people's lives. Just think if there were no nurses. Patients would be turned away when they went to the hospital. You can't be stupid to be a nurse either because you need to go to school for about four years.

  7. nursing is a very honorable proffession.  thanks to all nurses.

  8. Nursing wasn't what it used to be.Per according to a nurse I work with and a retired LPN now residing at a nursing home.

    I work with different nurses and I like the older ones.The younger ones,some of them are just in it for the money.If they really care about a patient,do something for them and don't tell them,"it's not in my job description".In a nursing home,there is the RN,does the paperwork.It's all about the paperwork then the LPN,does the medications and the NURSE AIDE who does the dirty job.Nursing is a good job though although it is stressful.Pays good too.You just have to find your niche.Do you like doing homehealth,pedia,ER etc?

  9. TRUE or FALSE depends on an individual's perception.  As a retired nurse, I'm proud of my chosen later-in-life (age 43) profession.  The biggest problem with nursing is the lack of respect from administration.  The best thing about nursing is the cooperation and comradeship from your peers.  Every time things seem to be insurmountable, something happens and you can make a difference in someone's life - big difference or small difference - it doesn't matter.  If nursing is for you, you will know it.

  10. I'm going to watch this question because I want to become a nurse. Can you explain why it is so dreadful?

  11. No Bull -My daughter is a RNBS also U-TX.  She is the first college graduate from my family and is AWESOME.  Nursing school is very hard and expensive but well worth it!  She has a

    wonderful future and career.

  12. nurses are  GODs ASSIST

  13. no not true.if u love ppl n willing to help ppl,u should volunteerly take up the nursing course.

  14. False! It is a noble job, helping the sick people and getting paid for it>

  15. you won't find it so dreadful when you need that nurse. Someone has to do it. Just like burger flippers.

    Some of us like to help people. It's the way we are.

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