
TRue opinions about Raj Thackeray...?

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Everyone is very well aware about the acts done by mns. What do you think,their deeds are correct or not?Please give your true opinions and please let me know why...




  1. His politics is bordering on sedition.Not only is he arrogant but has clearly proclaimed himself above the law by issuing diktats to the State Government and its officials.The aims of the MNS may appear to be

    justified because the City of Mumbai is already bursting at its seams with the existing infrastructure stretched to the limit,without any further influx of people from other regions and states contributing to the chaos.But Raj's

    approach and violent methods adopted to achieve his objective leave a lot to be desired.

  2. It is the natural feelings of people and their possessiveness towards their land and opportunities. In Indian history right from the beginning the invaders get all opportunities, not the native citizens. Same is true in Mumbai also. if the native people wake up Indian politics will change. This call of son of the soil will reflect everywhere.

    Priority should be given to the people of the soil. In national level also it should be followed. Seventy percent native population of India are classified and suppressed as backwards. Democracy is all about the majority. So the backwards majority should become the national rulers.

  3. I'm not Marathi but to a level MNS frustrations are justified and understandable. How long is India going to put up with a backward UP and Bihar ruled by corrupt leaders. The poor of these states keep moving to other parts of India to earn a living because there is nothing to live for over there. They sleep on the streets in the cities. Mumbai is bursting at the seams and is completely overpopulated and that can be seen during the rainy season when the infrastructure totally collapses. It's high time for a change in UP and Bihar politics and these states should also have some big metropolitan cities that are developed and can support urban populations so as not to overpopulate the metropolitan cities in other states. You can see the laid back attitude of the Bihar govt in the floods. Over 2 million people have been displaced and have lost nearly everything they had. Now how many of them will be moving to other big cities like Mumbai, Delhi to earn money will be seen within a few months. UP is no different with millions of poor it's CM Mayawati is busy spending crores of public money on making her own idols and elephants etc. Cities are getting overwhelmed by this flood of migrants.

    How long can India put up with the corruption in UP and Bihar. It has to be tackled and the people from these states have to fight their own battles with their state govt. for their rights and demand better governance instead of being escapists and moving to other cities that are already overburdened. UP, Bihar has become like a Bangladesh inside India where there is no hope and they only produce migrants. People from UP, Bihar are moving to Punjab, Orissa, Delhi, Maharashtra, Rajasthan nearly everywhere in India. How long before other states get frustrated too??

  4. I think he is just trying to get popular, just a gimmick to earn a name. If he was that concerned, maybe he should look into the caste system and try to abolish that. India will be a "developing" country only because of the caste system. We need the country to be a "developed" country but the caste system blankets the progress of the nation.

    Yes, I agree that he is trying to do good for "his" people but he needs to realize that we need to work in  unity and progress as a nation rather than a city or state.  

  5. MNS is indulging in unbridled acts of violence with apparent support from the state government which is not willing to take any firm steps to nip their vandalism in the bud.  If SIMI can be banned then why not MNS, VHP and Bajrang Dal, all of whom incite violence against the public.  In the present situation, if Raj Thackeray is genuinely aggrieved by the small font Marathi signage, he should move the courts or urge Marathi consumers to boycott establishments that do not have large Marathi signage.  The truth is that the average consumer, Marathi or otherwise, could not care less if the Marathi signage is small in size, most may even prefer English signage in Mumbai city.  MNS should focus on getting 24hrs water, electricity, affordable housing, education, healthcare, sanitation, infrastructure, if it wants to be taken seriously.  Right now, all MNS has achieved is to spoil the image of the Maharashtrian male in the eyes of the world - today perceived as being nothing but a lumpen mindless goon, instead of the cultured civilised image that earlier existed.  But the real fault lies with RR Patil, the Maharashtra Home Minister who appears to have given orders to the police to "turn a blind eye" to MNS and SS illegal acts. Emboldened by this covert support, MNS goons believe that they can get away with anything today.  Will the authorities please act, before it is too late?

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