
TSC Train from Hanoi to Lai Cai, has anybody been on it, is it a sleeper train?

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TSC Train from Hanoi to Lai Cai, has anybody been on it, is it a sleeper train?




  1. I took the train to Lao Cai and hated most of it on hard berth sleeper.  There are two really terrible berths: the top one closer to the front of train's too hot and the bottom one toward the rear is too windy.  

    You won't see much, so the other person's concern about being on an enclosed car is only part of the issue. However, when I went a few years ago it was impossible to get the 'luxury' train unless you were staying at the high end hotel.

  2. oh yes, there are 2 main classes of sleeper cars, hard birth  and soft birth. i preffer the hard birth because the soft births usualy have ac and are completely enclosed , whereas the soft births have an open window.   however the soft births are more expensive and you have a better chance of getting a compartment all to yourself.. its a pleasent enough trip, i guess your heading to sapa, and you'll sleep most of the way. if you are heading up to sapa there will be another 1 hr bus ride up the mountain... i suggest you take dramamine with you [ if you have a tendency to get car sick.] enjoi your adventure and dont arrive late . transportation in viet nam is usualy punctual[ within 15mins] ps. it gets cool in sapa and soggy be prepared.

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