I've suffered from very intense fatigue + wooziness for 3 months now. Had to stop working because of it. Had a battery of blood tests, all coming out normal, except 1 thing, my TSH is a little high, in the low 5s. They did check at one point my T4, which was normal range (1.2). I feel miserable. Could it be my T4 is ok, and my T3 is off, which hasn't been checked btw. This is the only lead i have in this now chronic health situation, I've seen 2 Internal Medicine Docs, 1 Infectious Diseases Doc, and 1 Neurologist. Please help!
Also, I see 2 tests here I don't understand:
1. Thyroid AB (ATA, TpO) - which was <10
2. Thyroglobulin AB <20
is one of those the T3 measure?