
TTC, 6 PD0, questions, answers!?!?!?

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I am 6 DPO and I've noticed alot of thick white CM, but its not itchy or anything so don't think I have an infection. As well, at 4 DPO, I noticed alot of cramping in my left side. Not trying to be gross, but as well, I feel more "tight" down there than normal, and my clitoris feels sensitive, more than before.

Yes, we are TTC, and just wanted to know if this is normal with ovulating, or maybe we have concieved?

I'm not obsessed over it, just wanting to know any expierance from other expectants or moms. =) Thanks.




  1. I am not an expectant mom, but I will tell you what I know from experience.  Usually when you are pregnant CM doesn't dry up, it can in fact continue or increase throughout your pregnancy so that is a good sign.  The cramping on your left side could be due to a cyst, but you may want to ask your doc about that.  Here is the really big long have you been ttc?  I do not mean this as a mean question but from my experience here is what I found out.  During my first few months ttc I was more aware of my body and cycle than ever before.  Before ttc I would say I have no cramps, very little pms symptoms in fact.  The reality was that once we started ttc I was paying attention to what was going on with my body.  After a few months of not thinking it was pregnancy every month I just realized it was what my body normally does.  I would suggest keeping a journal of some sort and write down how and what you feel on different days.  That way from month to month (hopefully this will be your month and you won't have to but just in case) you can refer back to it and see if that is somthing regular to your cycle or something new.  Best of luck to you and I hope this is your month.  Baby dust.

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