
TTC, please Help?

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My husband and I are tryin to conceive a child (of course). After a failed pregnancy, my cycle hasn't been consistent. However its always no less than 25 and no more than 27 days long. We had unprotected intercourse every other day between July 14 and 22nd. I have no symptoms yet and I'm getting real discouraged. Anyone have any advice or any thoughts on this??? Oh...and my last period was on the 7th of July. My cm right now is a little thick, white, lotion like, but not choppy like a yeast. Hellllppp!!! :)




  1. I would recommend reading the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." Everyone was always talking about it here and I finally read it and they were right! It helps you to know how to read signs of your body to make sure you know when you're ovulating. It also has really good info on how to chart your body temps and provides blank charts for you to copy and start charting.

    I'd recommend to chart your body temps, check your CM (which you're already doing), check your cervix position, and use a digital ovulation predictor kit (NOT one with lines, one with circles and smiley faces).

    With having a shorter cycle, you'll definitely need all that info to back you up when you go to the doc. It could be that you have a short lutal phase and that you need medication to help ya with that. The only way to really know if you do is to arm yourself with all the info you can and talk to your doc.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Miscarriage is the most heart-breaking thing you'll ever go through in your life.

    Best of luck to ya and let us know how it goes..

  2. your period cycles are a bit short but veryclose to regular...have you talked to a doctor yet, maybe there are meds that can help you, or progesterone to help support pregnancies, you can ask a doctor online for free for advice, try the website FertilityTies

    good luck!!

  3. Two of my girlfriends never had any symptoms until after 8 weeks. Be patient, stressing about it isn't going to help you or the (hopefully) baby. I know how you feel though... Good luck!
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