
TTC, really need some advise, I think my bodies gone heywire!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi Ladies

I really need some advice, we have been TTC for the past 2 months, this will be cycle 3 coming up. My last true period was on 20th June, my cycle has always been a little eractic, usually between 31 and 38 days. That made me due on 21st July, but nothing came. I left it until August 6th to test and got a BNF. Then on 10th and 11th August I got results that I was ovulating. Still no period. None the less hubby and I have continued to BD. Then on Monday, 18th August. I thought I had got my period but for 4/5 days all I had was pinkish mucus, sometimes a little brown. On Wednesday I got a small amount of blood when I wiped but not like usually it was more orange than the usual dark red. But that has now stopped for the past 24 hours!!

I am so incredibly confused, any ideas ladies?

When my cycle was first erractic I though it was diue to my weight, but I have cycled myself froma size 24 to a size 18, and I'm still going, I would have thought this would improve things and for the past 2 months it had. But now this. Please help me, I have booked a docs appointment but its not until next Thursday and that seems so far away right now.

Thank you all in advance.




  1. It sounds a lot like implantation bleeding.  I'd wait a week and do a test....or have your doctor do a blood test on Thursday.  Good luck & congrats on the weight loss!

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